# Astro Docs <img width="19.2" height="25.6" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/withastro/astro/main/assets/brand/logo.svg" alt="Astro logo"> ## Contributing ### Pull Requests Every pull request needs to be reviewed by another contributor to the documentation to help with the overall quality of the documentation. ## Running this project - Clone the Project `git clone git@github.com:withastro/astro.git` - Run `yarn install` to install latest dependencies. > This project uses yarn to manage dependencies. [Make sure that you have yarn v1 installed.](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/) - Run `yarn workspace docs dev` to start the dev server. - Run `yarn workspace docs build` to build the final site for production. > The environment variable `SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_GITHUB_TOKEN` must be set to a personal access token with `public_repo` permissions to prevent rate-limiting. ## Deploying The site is automatically deployed when commits land in `latest`, via Netlify. The "next" docs are automatically deployed when commits land in `main`, via Netlify at <https://main--astro-docs-2.netlify.app/getting-started/>.