import { h, Component as BaseComponent } from 'preact'; import render from 'preact-render-to-string'; import StaticHtml from './static-html.js'; const slotName = str => str.trim().replace(/[-_]([a-z])/g, (_, w) => w.toUpperCase()); function check(Component, props, children) { if (typeof Component !== 'function') return false; if (Component.prototype != null && typeof Component.prototype.render === 'function') { return BaseComponent.isPrototypeOf(Component); } try { const { html } = renderToStaticMarkup(Component, props, children); if (typeof html !== 'string') { return false; } // There are edge cases (SolidJS) where Preact *might* render a string, // but components would be return !/\/.test(html); } catch (err) { return false; } } function renderToStaticMarkup(Component, props, { default: children, ...slotted }) { const slots = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(slotted)) { const name = slotName(key); slots[name] = h(StaticHtml, { value, name }); } // Note: create newProps to avoid mutating `props` before they are serialized const newProps = { ...props, ...slots } const html = render( h(Component, newProps, children != null ? h(StaticHtml, { value: children }) : children) ); return { html }; } export default { check, renderToStaticMarkup, };