name: "\U0001F41B Bug Report" description: Report an issue or possible bug title: "\U0001F41B " labels: [] assignees: [] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: Thanks for taking the time to file a bug report! Please fill out this form as completely as possible. - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Environment Checklist options: - label: I am using the **latest version of Astro** and all plugins. required: true - label: I am using a version of Node that supports ESM (`v12.20.0+`, `v14.13.1+`, or `v16.0.0+`) required: true - type: dropdown attributes: label: What package manager are you using? options: - npm@6 - npm@7 - yarn@1 - yarn@2 - pnpm - other - type: input attributes: label: What operating system are you using? description: 'For example: macOS, Windows' - type: textarea attributes: label: Describe the Bug description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is. - type: textarea attributes: label: Expected Behavior description: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. - type: textarea attributes: label: Steps to reproduce description: "We can't fix bugs that we can't see for ourselves! Issues often need to be closed if this section is skipped." value: 1. `npm init astro` using template 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. Error! Describe what went wrong...