import { rollup } from 'rollup' import { nodeResolve } from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve' import { posix as path } from 'node:path' import { createRequire } from 'node:module' import { readFile as nodeReadFile, rename, rm, writeFile, } from 'node:fs/promises' import { default as MagicString } from 'magic-string' import { default as alias } from '@rollup/plugin-alias' import { default as inject } from '@rollup/plugin-inject' import { default as typescript } from '@rollup/plugin-typescript' const readFileCache = Object.create(null) const require = createRequire(import.meta.url) const readFile = (/** @type {string} */ id) => readFileCache[id] || (readFileCache[id] = nodeReadFile(id, 'utf8')) const pathToDOMException = path.resolve('src', 'lib', 'DOMException.js') const pathToEventTargetShim = path.resolve('node_modules', 'event-target-shim', 'index.mjs') const pathToStructuredClone = path.resolve('node_modules', '@ungap', 'structured-clone', 'esm', 'index.js') const plugins = [ typescript({ tsconfig: './tsconfig.json', }), alias({ entries: [ { find: '@ungap/structured-clone', replacement: pathToStructuredClone }, { find: 'event-target-shim', replacement: pathToEventTargetShim }, { find: 'event-target-shim/dist/event-target-shim.js', replacement: pathToEventTargetShim, }, { find: 'event-target-shim/dist/event-target-shim.umd.js', replacement: pathToEventTargetShim, }, { find: 'node-domexception', replacement: pathToDOMException }, ], }), nodeResolve({ dedupe: ['net', 'node:net'], }), inject({ // import { Promise as P } from 'es6-promise' // P: [ 'es6-promise', 'Promise' ], AbortController: [ 'abort-controller/dist/abort-controller.mjs', 'AbortController', ], Blob: ['fetch-blob/from.js', 'Blob'], DOMException: [pathToDOMException, 'DOMException'], Document: ['./Document', 'Document'], Element: ['./Element', 'Element'], Event: ['event-target-shim', 'Event'], EventTarget: ['event-target-shim', 'EventTarget'], defineEventAttribute: ['event-target-shim', 'defineEventAttribute'], HTMLElement: ['./Element', 'HTMLElement'], HTMLImageElement: ['./Element', 'HTMLImageElement'], HTMLUnknownElement: ['./Element', 'HTMLUnknownElement'], MediaQueryList: ['./MediaQueryList', 'MediaQueryList'], Node: ['./Node', 'Node'], ReadableStream: [ 'web-streams-polyfill/dist/ponyfill.es6.mjs', 'ReadableStream', ], ShadowRoot: ['./Node', 'ShadowRoot'], Window: ['./Window', 'Window'], 'globalThis.ReadableStream': [ 'web-streams-polyfill/dist/ponyfill.es6.mjs', 'ReadableStream', ], }), { async load(id) { const pathToEsm = id const pathToMap = `${pathToEsm}.map` const code = await readFile(pathToEsm, 'utf8') const indexes = [] const replacements = [ // remove unused imports [/(^|\n)import\s+[^']+'node:(buffer|fs|path|worker_threads)'/g, ``], [/const \{ stat \} = fs/g, ``], // remove unused polyfill utils [/\nif \(\s*typeof Global[\W\w]+?\n\}/g, ``], [/\nif \(\s*typeof window[\W\w]+?\n\}/g, ``], [/\nif \(!globalThis\.ReadableStream\) \{[\W\w]+?\n\}/g, ``], [/\nif \(typeof SymbolPolyfill[\W\w]+?\n\}/g, ``], // remove unused polyfills [/\nconst globals = getGlobals\(\);/g, ``], [/\nconst queueMicrotask = [\W\w]+?\n\}\)\(\);/g, ``], [/\nconst NativeDOMException =[^;]+;/g, ``], [ /\nconst SymbolPolyfill\s*=[^;]+;/g, '\nconst SymbolPolyfill = Symbol;', ], [ /\n(const|let) DOMException[^;]*;/g, `let DOMException$1=DOMException`, ], [/\nconst DOMException = globalThis.DOMException[\W\w]+?\}\)\(\)/g, ``], [/\nimport DOMException from 'node-domexception'/g, ``], // use shared AbortController methods [/ new DOMException\$1/g, `new DOMException`], [/ from 'net'/g, `from 'node:net'`], [/ throw createInvalidStateError/g, `throw new DOMException`], [/= createAbortController/g, `= new AbortController`], [/\nconst queueMicrotask = [\W\w]+?\n\}\)\(\)\;/g, ``], // remove Body.prototype.buffer deprecation notice [/\nBody\.prototype\.buffer[^\n]+/g, ``], // remove deprecation notice [/\n data: \{get: deprecate[\W\w]+?\)\}/g, ``], ] for (const [replacee, replacer] of replacements) { replacee.index = 0 let replaced = null while ((replaced = replacee.exec(code)) !== null) { const leadIndex = replaced.index const tailIndex = replaced.index + replaced[0].length indexes.unshift([leadIndex, tailIndex, replacer]) } } if (indexes.length) { const magicString = new MagicString(code) indexes.sort(([leadOfA], [leadOfB]) => leadOfA - leadOfB) for (const [leadIndex, tailindex, replacer] of indexes) { magicString.overwrite(leadIndex, tailindex, replacer) } const magicMap = magicString.generateMap({ source: pathToEsm, file: pathToMap, includeContent: true, }) const modifiedEsm = magicString.toString() const modifiedMap = magicMap.toString() return { code: modifiedEsm, map: modifiedMap } } }, }, ] async function build() { const configs = [ { inputOptions: { input: 'src/polyfill.ts', plugins: plugins, onwarn(warning, warn) { if (warning.code !== 'UNRESOLVED_IMPORT') warn(warning) }, }, outputOptions: { inlineDynamicImports: true, file: 'mod.js', format: 'esm', sourcemap: true, }, }, ] for (const config of configs) { const bundle = await rollup(config.inputOptions) // or write the bundle to disk await bundle.write(config.outputOptions) // closes the bundle await bundle.close() // delete the lib directory await rm('lib', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('exclusions.d.ts', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('inheritence.d.ts', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('polyfill.js', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('ponyfill.d.ts', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rm('ponyfill.js', { force: true, recursive: true }) await rename('polyfill.d.ts', 'mod.d.ts') const modDTS = await readFile('./mod.d.ts') writeFile( 'mod.d.ts', modDTS .replace('\n//#', '') .replace('ponyfill.js', 'mod.js') ) writeFile( 'apply.js', `import { polyfill } from './mod.js'\n\nexport * from './mod.js'\n\npolyfill(globalThis)\n` ) } } build()