import { expect } from 'chai'; import { describe, it } from 'mocha'; import { getCollectionChangeQueries, getMigrationQueries, } from '../../dist/core/cli/migration-queries.js'; import { getCreateTableQuery } from '../../dist/core/queries.js'; import { collectionSchema, column, defineReadableTable } from '../../dist/core/types.js'; import { NOW } from '../../dist/runtime/index.js'; const COLLECTION_NAME = 'Users'; // `parse` to resolve schema transformations // ex. convert to ISO strings const userInitial = collectionSchema.parse( defineReadableTable({ columns: { name: column.text(), age: column.number(), email: column.text({ unique: true }), mi: column.text({ optional: true }), }, }) ); const defaultAmbiguityResponses = { collectionRenames: {}, columnRenames: {}, }; function userChangeQueries( oldCollection, newCollection, ambiguityResponses = defaultAmbiguityResponses ) { return getCollectionChangeQueries({ collectionName: COLLECTION_NAME, oldCollection, newCollection, ambiguityResponses, }); } function configChangeQueries( oldCollections, newCollections, ambiguityResponses = defaultAmbiguityResponses ) { return getMigrationQueries({ oldSnapshot: { schema: oldCollections, experimentalVersion: 1 }, newSnapshot: { schema: newCollections, experimentalVersion: 1 }, ambiguityResponses, }); } describe('column queries', () => { describe('getMigrationQueries', () => { it('should be empty when tables are the same', async () => { const oldCollections = { [COLLECTION_NAME]: userInitial }; const newCollections = { [COLLECTION_NAME]: userInitial }; const { queries } = await configChangeQueries(oldCollections, newCollections); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([]); }); it('should create table for new tables', async () => { const oldCollections = {}; const newCollections = { [COLLECTION_NAME]: userInitial }; const { queries } = await configChangeQueries(oldCollections, newCollections); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([getCreateTableQuery(COLLECTION_NAME, userInitial)]); }); it('should drop table for removed tables', async () => { const oldCollections = { [COLLECTION_NAME]: userInitial }; const newCollections = {}; const { queries } = await configChangeQueries(oldCollections, newCollections); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([`DROP TABLE "${COLLECTION_NAME}"`]); }); it('should rename table for renamed tables', async () => { const rename = 'Peeps'; const oldCollections = { [COLLECTION_NAME]: userInitial }; const newCollections = { [rename]: userInitial }; const { queries } = await configChangeQueries(oldCollections, newCollections, { ...defaultAmbiguityResponses, collectionRenames: { [rename]: COLLECTION_NAME }, }); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([`ALTER TABLE "${COLLECTION_NAME}" RENAME TO "${rename}"`]); }); }); describe('getCollectionChangeQueries', () => { it('should be empty when tables are the same', async () => { const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userInitial); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([]); }); it('should be empty when type updated to same underlying SQL type', async () => { const blogInitial = collectionSchema.parse({ ...userInitial, columns: { title: column.text(), draft: column.boolean(), }, }); const blogFinal = collectionSchema.parse({ ...userInitial, columns: { ...blogInitial.columns, draft: column.number(), }, }); const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(blogInitial, blogFinal); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([]); }); it('should respect user primary key without adding a hidden id', async () => { const user = collectionSchema.parse({ ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, id: column.number({ primaryKey: true }), }, }); const userFinal = collectionSchema.parse({ ...user, columns: { ...user.columns, name: column.text({ unique: true, optional: true }), }, }); const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(user, userFinal); expect(queries[0]); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE \"${tempTableName}\" (\"name\" text UNIQUE, \"age\" integer NOT NULL, \"email\" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, \"mi\" text, \"id\" integer PRIMARY KEY)`, `INSERT INTO \"${tempTableName}\" (\"name\", \"age\", \"email\", \"mi\", \"id\") SELECT \"name\", \"age\", \"email\", \"mi\", \"id\" FROM \"Users\"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); describe('ALTER RENAME COLUMN', () => { it('when renaming a column', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, }, }; userFinal.columns.middleInitial = userFinal.columns.mi; delete userFinal.columns.mi; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal, { collectionRenames: {}, columnRenames: { [COLLECTION_NAME]: { middleInitial: 'mi' } }, }); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `ALTER TABLE "${COLLECTION_NAME}" RENAME COLUMN "mi" TO "middleInitial"`, ]); }); }); describe('Lossy table recreate', () => { it('when changing a column type', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, age: column.text(), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `CREATE TABLE "Users" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" text NOT NULL, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "mi" text)`, ]); }); it('when adding a required column without a default', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, phoneNumber: column.text(), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `CREATE TABLE "Users" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" integer NOT NULL, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "mi" text, "phoneNumber" text NOT NULL)`, ]); }); }); describe('Lossless table recreate', () => { it('when adding a primary key', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, id: column.number({ primaryKey: true }), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries[0]); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE \"${tempTableName}\" (\"name\" text NOT NULL, \"age\" integer NOT NULL, \"email\" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, \"mi\" text, \"id\" integer PRIMARY KEY)`, `INSERT INTO \"${tempTableName}\" (\"name\", \"age\", \"email\", \"mi\") SELECT \"name\", \"age\", \"email\", \"mi\" FROM \"Users\"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); it('when dropping a primary key', async () => { const user = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, id: column.number({ primaryKey: true }), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(user, userInitial); expect(queries[0]); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE \"${tempTableName}\" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \"name\" text NOT NULL, \"age\" integer NOT NULL, \"email\" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, \"mi\" text)`, `INSERT INTO \"${tempTableName}\" (\"name\", \"age\", \"email\", \"mi\") SELECT \"name\", \"age\", \"email\", \"mi\" FROM \"Users\"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); it('when adding an optional unique column', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, phoneNumber: column.text({ unique: true, optional: true }), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.have.lengthOf(4); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(tempTableName)'string'); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE "${tempTableName}" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" integer NOT NULL, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "mi" text, "phoneNumber" text UNIQUE)`, `INSERT INTO "${tempTableName}" ("_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi") SELECT "_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi" FROM "Users"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); it('when dropping unique column', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, }, }; delete; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.have.lengthOf(4); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(tempTableName)'string'); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE "${tempTableName}" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" integer NOT NULL, "mi" text)`, `INSERT INTO "${tempTableName}" ("_id", "name", "age", "mi") SELECT "_id", "name", "age", "mi" FROM "Users"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); it('when updating to a runtime default', async () => { const initial = collectionSchema.parse({ ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, age:, }, }); const userFinal = collectionSchema.parse({ ...initial, columns: { ...initial.columns, age:{ default: NOW }), }, }); const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(initial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.have.lengthOf(4); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(tempTableName)'string'); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE "${tempTableName}" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" text NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "mi" text)`, `INSERT INTO "${tempTableName}" ("_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi") SELECT "_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi" FROM "Users"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); it('when adding a column with a runtime default', async () => { const userFinal = collectionSchema.parse({ ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, birthday:{ default: NOW }), }, }); const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.have.lengthOf(4); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(tempTableName)'string'); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE "${tempTableName}" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" integer NOT NULL, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "mi" text, "birthday" text NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)`, `INSERT INTO "${tempTableName}" ("_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi") SELECT "_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi" FROM "Users"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); /** * REASON: to follow the "expand" and "contract" migration model, * you'll need to update the schema from NOT NULL to NULL. * It's up to the user to ensure all data follows the new schema! * * @see */ it('when changing a column to required', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, mi: column.text(), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.have.lengthOf(4); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(tempTableName)'string'); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE "${tempTableName}" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" integer NOT NULL, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "mi" text NOT NULL)`, `INSERT INTO "${tempTableName}" ("_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi") SELECT "_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi" FROM "Users"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); it('when changing a column to unique', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, age: column.number({ unique: true }), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.have.lengthOf(4); const tempTableName = getTempTableName(queries[0]); expect(tempTableName)'string'); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `CREATE TABLE "${tempTableName}" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "name" text NOT NULL, "age" integer NOT NULL UNIQUE, "email" text NOT NULL UNIQUE, "mi" text)`, `INSERT INTO "${tempTableName}" ("_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi") SELECT "_id", "name", "age", "email", "mi" FROM "Users"`, 'DROP TABLE "Users"', `ALTER TABLE "${tempTableName}" RENAME TO "Users"`, ]); }); }); describe('ALTER ADD COLUMN', () => { it('when adding an optional column', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, birthday:{ optional: true }), }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.deep.equal(['ALTER TABLE "Users" ADD COLUMN "birthday" text']); }); it('when adding a required column with default', async () => { const defaultDate = new Date('2023-01-01'); const userFinal = collectionSchema.parse({ ...userInitial, columns: { ...userInitial.columns, birthday:{ default: new Date('2023-01-01') }), }, }); const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ `ALTER TABLE "Users" ADD COLUMN "birthday" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '${defaultDate.toISOString()}'`, ]); }); }); describe('ALTER DROP COLUMN', () => { it('when removing optional or required columns', async () => { const userFinal = { ...userInitial, columns: { name:, email:, }, }; const { queries } = await userChangeQueries(userInitial, userFinal); expect(queries).to.deep.equal([ 'ALTER TABLE "Users" DROP COLUMN "age"', 'ALTER TABLE "Users" DROP COLUMN "mi"', ]); }); }); }); }); /** @param {string} query */ function getTempTableName(query) { // eslint-disable-next-line regexp/no-unused-capturing-group return query.match(/Users_([a-z\d]+)/)?.[0]; }