import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import { glob } from 'tinyglobby'; import { setOutput } from './utils.mjs'; const { GITHUB_REF = 'main' } = process.env; const baseUrl = new URL(`${GITHUB_REF}/`); const emojis = ['πŸŽ‰', 'πŸ₯³', 'πŸš€', 'πŸ§‘', '🎊', 'πŸ†', 'βœ…', '🀩', 'πŸ€–', 'πŸ™Œ']; const descriptors = [ 'new releases', 'hot and fresh updates', 'shiny updates', 'exciting changes', 'package updates', 'awesome updates', 'bug fixes and features', 'updates', ]; const verbs = [ 'just went out!', 'just launched!', 'now available!', 'in the wild!', 'now live!', 'hit the registry!', 'to share!', 'for you!', 'for y’all! 🀠', 'comin’ your way!', 'comin’ atcha!', 'comin’ in hot!', 'freshly minted on the blockchain! (jk)', '[is] out (now with 100% more reticulated splines!)', '(as seen on TV!)', 'just dropped!', '– artisanally hand-crafted just for you.', '– oh happy day!', '– enjoy!', 'now out. Be the first on your block to download!', 'made with love πŸ’•', '[is] out! Our best [version] yet!', '[is] here. DOWNLOAD! DOWNLOAD! DOWNLOAD!', '... HUZZAH!', '[has] landed!', 'landed! The internet just got a little more fun.', '– from our family to yours.', '– go forth and build!', ]; const extraVerbs = [ 'new', 'here', 'released', 'freshly made', 'going out', 'hitting the registry', 'available', 'live now', 'hot and fresh', 'for you', "comin' atcha", ]; function item(items) { return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; } const plurals = new Map([ ['is', 'are'], ['has', 'have'], ]); function pluralize(text) { return text.replace(/(\[([^\]]+)\])/gm, (_, _full, match) => plurals.has(match) ? plurals.get(match) : `${match}s`, ); } function singularlize(text) { return text.replace(/(\[([^\]]+)\])/gm, (_, _full, match) => `${match}`); } const packageMap = new Map(); async function generatePackageMap() { const packageRoot = new URL('../../packages/', import.meta.url); const packages = await glob(['*/package.json', '*/*/package.json'], { cwd: fileURLToPath(packageRoot), expandDirectories: false, ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'], }); await Promise.all( (pkg) => { const pkgFile = fileURLToPath(new URL(pkg, packageRoot)); const content = await readFile(pkgFile).then((res) => JSON.parse(res.toString())); packageMap.set(, `./packages/${pkg.replace('/package.json', '')}`); }), ); } async function generateMessage() { await generatePackageMap(); const releases = process.argv.slice(2)[0]; const data = JSON.parse(releases); const packages = await Promise.all({ name, version }) => { const p = packageMap.get(name); if (!p) { throw new Error(`Unable to find entrypoint for "${name}"!`); } return { name, version, url: new URL(`${p}/${version.replace(/\./g, '')}`, baseUrl).toString(), }; }), ); const emoji = item(emojis); const descriptor = item(descriptors); const verb = item(verbs); let message = ''; if (packages.length === 1) { const { name, version, url } = packages[0]; message += `${emoji} \`${name}@${version}\` ${singularlize( verb, )}\nRead the [release notes β†’](<${url}>)\n`; } else { message += `${emoji} Some ${descriptor} ${pluralize(verb)}\n\n`; for (const { name, version, url } of packages) { message += `β€’ \`${name}@${version}\` Read the [release notes β†’](<${url}>)\n`; } } if (message.length < 2000) { return message; } else { const { name, version, url } = packages.find((pkg) => === 'astro') ?? packages[0]; message = `${emoji} Some ${descriptor} ${pluralize(verb)}\n\n`; message += `β€’ \`${name}@${version}\` Read the [release notes β†’](<${url}>)\n`; message += `\nAlso ${item(extraVerbs)}:`; const remainingPackages = packages.filter((p) => !== name); for (const { name, version, _url } of remainingPackages) { message += `\nβ€’ \`${name}@${version}\``; } if (message.length < 2000) { return message; } else { message = `${emoji} Some ${descriptor} ${pluralize(verb)}\n\n`; message += `β€’ \`${name}@${version}\` Read the [release notes β†’](<${url}>)\n`; message += `\n\nAlso ${item(extraVerbs)}: ${remainingPackages.length} other packages!`; return message; } } } async function run() { const content = await generateMessage();; setOutput('DISCORD_MESSAGE', content); } run();