import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import { expect, test as testBase } from '@playwright/test'; import { loadFixture as baseLoadFixture } from '../../../astro/test/test-utils.js'; export const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; // Get all test files in directory, assign unique port for each of them so they don't conflict const testFiles = await fs.readdir(new URL('.', import.meta.url)); const testFileToPort = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i++) { const file = testFiles[i]; if (file.endsWith('.test.js')) { testFileToPort.set(file.slice(0, -8), 4000 + i); } } export function loadFixture(inlineConfig) { if (!inlineConfig?.root) throw new Error("Must provide { root: './fixtures/...' }"); // resolve the relative root (i.e. "./fixtures/tailwindcss") to a full filepath // without this, the main `loadFixture` helper will resolve relative to `packages/astro/test` return baseLoadFixture({ ...inlineConfig, root: fileURLToPath(new URL(inlineConfig.root, import.meta.url)), server: { port: testFileToPort.get(path.basename(inlineConfig.root)), }, }); } export function testFactory(inlineConfig) { let fixture; const test = testBase.extend({ astro: async ({}, use) => { fixture = fixture || (await loadFixture(inlineConfig)); await use(fixture); }, }); test.afterEach(() => { fixture.resetAllFiles(); }); return test; } /** * * @param {string} page * @returns {Promise<{message: string, hint: string, absoluteFileLocation: string, fileLocation: string}>} */ export async function getErrorOverlayContent(page) { const overlay = await page.waitForSelector('vite-error-overlay', { strict: true, timeout: 10 * 1000, }); expect(overlay).toBeTruthy(); const message = await overlay.$$eval('#message-content', (m) => m[0].textContent); const hint = await overlay.$$eval('#hint-content', (m) => m[0].textContent); const [absoluteFileLocation, fileLocation] = await overlay.$$eval('#code header h2', (m) => [ m[0].title, m[0].textContent, ]); return { message, hint, absoluteFileLocation, fileLocation }; } /** * Wait for `astro-island` that contains the `el` to hydrate * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {import('@playwright/test').Locator} el */ export async function waitForHydrate(page, el) { const astroIsland = page.locator('astro-island', { has: el }); const astroIslandId = await astroIsland.last().getAttribute('uid'); await page.waitForFunction( (selector) => document.querySelector(selector)?.hasAttribute('ssr') === false, `astro-island[uid="${astroIslandId}"]` ); } /** * Scroll to element manually without making sure the `el` is stable * @param {import('@playwright/test').Locator} el */ export async function scrollToElement(el) { await el.evaluate((node) => { node.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'auto' }); }); } export function prepareTestFactory(opts) { const test = testFactory(opts); let devServer; test.beforeAll(async ({ astro }) => { devServer = await astro.startDevServer(); }); test.afterAll(async () => { await devServer.stop(); }); return { test, }; }