/* eslint no-console: 'off' */ import { color, label, spinner as load } from '@astrojs/cli-kit'; import { align } from '@astrojs/cli-kit/utils'; import detectPackageManager from 'preferred-pm'; import terminalLink from 'terminal-link'; import type { PackageInfo } from './actions/context.js'; import { shell } from './shell.js'; // Users might lack access to the global npm registry, this function // checks the user's project type and will return the proper npm registry // // A copy of this function also exists in the astro package let _registry: string; export async function getRegistry(): Promise { if (_registry) return _registry; const fallback = 'https://registry.npmjs.org'; const packageManager = (await detectPackageManager(process.cwd()))?.name || 'npm'; try { const { stdout } = await shell(packageManager, ['config', 'get', 'registry']); _registry = stdout?.trim()?.replace(/\/$/, '') || fallback; // Detect cases where the shell command returned a non-URL (e.g. a warning) if (!new URL(_registry).host) _registry = fallback; } catch (e) { _registry = fallback; } return _registry; } let stdout = process.stdout; /** @internal Used to mock `process.stdout.write` for testing purposes */ export function setStdout(writable: typeof process.stdout) { stdout = writable; } export async function spinner(args: { start: string; end: string; while: (...args: any) => Promise; }) { await load(args, { stdout }); } export function pluralize(word: string | [string, string], n: number) { const [singular, plural] = Array.isArray(word) ? word : [word, word + 's']; if (n === 1) return singular; return plural; } export const celebrations = [ 'Beautiful.', 'Excellent!', 'Sweet!', 'Nice!', 'Huzzah!', 'Success.', 'Nice.', 'Wonderful.', 'Lovely!', "Lookin' good.", 'Awesome.', ]; export const done = [ "You're on the latest and greatest.", 'Your integrations are up-to-date.', 'Everything is current.', 'Everything is up to date.', 'Integrations are all up to date.', 'Everything is on the latest and greatest.', 'Integrations are up to date.', ]; export const bye = [ 'Thanks for using Astro!', 'Have fun building!', 'Take it easy, astronaut!', "Can't wait to see what you build.", 'Good luck out there.', 'See you around, astronaut.', ]; export const log = (message: string) => stdout.write(message + '\n'); export const newline = () => stdout.write('\n'); export const banner = async () => log( `\n${label('astro', color.bgGreen, color.black)} ${color.bold( 'Integration upgrade in progress.' )}` ); export const bannerAbort = () => log(`\n${label('astro', color.bgRed)} ${color.bold('Integration upgrade aborted.')}`); export const warn = async (prefix: string, text: string) => { log(`${label(prefix, color.bgCyan, color.black)} ${text}`); }; export const info = async (prefix: string, text: string, version = '') => { const length = 11 + prefix.length + text.length + version?.length; const symbol = '◼'; if (length > stdout.columns) { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.cyan(symbol)} ${prefix}`); log(`${' '.repeat(9)}${color.dim(text)} ${color.reset(version)}`); } else { log( `${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.cyan(symbol)} ${prefix} ${color.dim(text)} ${color.reset(version)}` ); } }; export const upgrade = async (packageInfo: PackageInfo, text: string) => { const { name, isMajor = false, targetVersion } = packageInfo; const bg = isMajor ? (v: string) => color.bgYellow(color.black(` ${v} `)) : color.green; const style = isMajor ? color.yellow : color.green; const symbol = isMajor ? '▲' : '●'; const toVersion = targetVersion.replace(/^\D+/, ''); const version = `v${toVersion}`; const length = 12 + name.length + text.length + version.length; if (length > stdout.columns) { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${style(symbol)} ${name}`); log(`${' '.repeat(9)}${color.dim(text)} ${bg(version)}`); } else { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${style(symbol)} ${name} ${color.dim(text)} ${bg(version)}`); } }; export const title = (text: string) => align(label(text, color.bgYellow, color.black), 'end', 7) + ' '; export const success = async (prefix: string, text: string) => { const length = 10 + prefix.length + text.length; if (length > stdout.columns) { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.green('✔')} ${prefix}`); log(`${' '.repeat(9)}${color.dim(text)}`); } else { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.green('✔')} ${prefix} ${color.dim(text)}`); } }; export const error = async (prefix: string, text: string) => { if (stdout.columns < 80) { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.red('▲')} ${color.red(prefix)}`); log(`${' '.repeat(9)}${color.dim(text)}`); } else { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${color.red('▲')} ${color.red(prefix)} ${color.dim(text)}`); } }; export const changelog = async (name: string, text: string, url: string) => { const link = terminalLink(text, url, { fallback: () => url }); const linkLength = terminalLink.isSupported ? text.length : url.length; const symbol = ' '; const length = 12 + name.length + linkLength; if (length > stdout.columns) { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${symbol} ${name}`); log(`${' '.repeat(9)}${color.cyan(color.underline(link))}`); } else { log(`${' '.repeat(5)} ${symbol} ${name} ${color.cyan(color.underline(link))}`); } }; export function printHelp({ commandName, usage, tables, description, }: { commandName: string; headline?: string; usage?: string; tables?: Record; description?: string; }) { const linebreak = () => ''; const table = (rows: [string, string][], { padding }: { padding: number }) => { const split = stdout.columns < 60; let raw = ''; for (const row of rows) { if (split) { raw += ` ${row[0]}\n `; } else { raw += `${`${row[0]}`.padStart(padding)}`; } raw += ' ' + color.dim(row[1]) + '\n'; } return raw.slice(0, -1); // remove latest \n }; let message = []; if (usage) { message.push(linebreak(), `${color.green(commandName)} ${color.bold(usage)}`); } if (tables) { function calculateTablePadding(rows: [string, string][]) { return rows.reduce((val, [first]) => Math.max(val, first.length), 0); } const tableEntries = Object.entries(tables); const padding = Math.max(...tableEntries.map(([, rows]) => calculateTablePadding(rows))); for (const [, tableRows] of tableEntries) { message.push(linebreak(), table(tableRows, { padding })); } } if (description) { message.push(linebreak(), `${description}`); } log(message.join('\n') + '\n'); }