import { type ColumnBuilderBaseConfig, type ColumnDataType, sql } from 'drizzle-orm'; import type { LibSQLDatabase } from 'drizzle-orm/libsql'; import { type IndexBuilder, type SQLiteColumnBuilderBase, customType, index, integer, sqliteTable, text, } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core'; import { type DBColumn, type DBTable } from '../core/types.js'; import { type SerializedSQL, isSerializedSQL } from './types.js'; export { sql }; export type SqliteDB = LibSQLDatabase; export type { Table } from './types.js'; export { createRemoteDatabaseClient, createLocalDatabaseClient } from './db-client.js'; export { seedLocal } from './queries.js'; export function hasPrimaryKey(column: DBColumn) { return 'primaryKey' in column.schema && !!column.schema.primaryKey; } // Exports a few common expressions export const NOW = sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`; export const TRUE = sql`TRUE`; export const FALSE = sql`FALSE`; const dateType = customType<{ data: Date; driverData: string }>({ dataType() { return 'text'; }, toDriver(value) { return value.toISOString(); }, fromDriver(value) { return new Date(value); }, }); const jsonType = customType<{ data: unknown; driverData: string }>({ dataType() { return 'text'; }, toDriver(value) { return JSON.stringify(value); }, fromDriver(value) { return JSON.parse(value); }, }); type D1ColumnBuilder = SQLiteColumnBuilderBase< ColumnBuilderBaseConfig & { data: unknown } >; export function asDrizzleTable(name: string, table: DBTable) { const columns: Record = {}; if (!Object.entries(table.columns).some(([, column]) => hasPrimaryKey(column))) { columns['_id'] = integer('_id').primaryKey(); } for (const [columnName, column] of Object.entries(table.columns)) { columns[columnName] = columnMapper(columnName, column); } const drizzleTable = sqliteTable(name, columns, (ormTable) => { const indexes: Record = {}; for (const [indexName, indexProps] of Object.entries(table.indexes ?? {})) { const onColNames = Array.isArray(indexProps.on) ? indexProps.on : [indexProps.on]; const onCols = => ormTable[colName]); if (!atLeastOne(onCols)) continue; indexes[indexName] = index(indexName).on(...onCols); } return indexes; }); return drizzleTable; } function atLeastOne(arr: T[]): arr is [T, ...T[]] { return arr.length > 0; } function columnMapper(columnName: string, column: DBColumn) { let c: ReturnType< | typeof text | typeof integer | typeof jsonType | typeof dateType | typeof integer >; switch (column.type) { case 'text': { c = text(columnName); // Duplicate default logic across cases to preserve type inference. // No clean generic for every column builder. if (column.schema.default !== undefined) c = c.default(handleSerializedSQL(column.schema.default)); if (column.schema.primaryKey === true) c = c.primaryKey(); break; } case 'number': { c = integer(columnName); if (column.schema.default !== undefined) c = c.default(handleSerializedSQL(column.schema.default)); if (column.schema.primaryKey === true) c = c.primaryKey(); break; } case 'boolean': { c = integer(columnName, { mode: 'boolean' }); if (column.schema.default !== undefined) c = c.default(handleSerializedSQL(column.schema.default)); break; } case 'json': c = jsonType(columnName); if (column.schema.default !== undefined) c = c.default(column.schema.default); break; case 'date': { c = dateType(columnName); if (column.schema.default !== undefined) { const def = handleSerializedSQL(column.schema.default); c = c.default(typeof def === 'string' ? new Date(def) : def); } break; } } if (!column.schema.optional) c = c.notNull(); if (column.schema.unique) c = c.unique(); return c; } function handleSerializedSQL(def: T | SerializedSQL) { if (isSerializedSQL(def)) { return sql.raw(def.sql); } return def; }