--- '@astrojs/react': patch 'astro': patch --- **BREAKING CHANGE to the experimental Actions API only.** Install the latest `@astrojs/react` integration as well if you're using React 19 features. Updates the Astro Actions fallback to support `action={actions.name}` instead of using `getActionProps().` This will submit a form to the server in zero-JS scenarios using a search parameter: ```astro --- import { actions } from 'astro:actions'; ---
``` You may also construct form action URLs using string concatenation, or by using the `URL()` constructor, with the an action's `.queryString` property: ```astro --- import { actions } from 'astro:actions'; const confirmationUrl = new URL('/confirmation', Astro.url); confirmationUrl.search = actions.queryString; ---
``` ## Migration `getActionProps()` is now deprecated. To use the new fallback pattern, remove the `getActionProps()` input from your form and pass your action function to the form `action` attribute: ```diff --- import { actions, - getActionProps, } from 'astro:actions'; --- +
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