import { rehypeHeadingIds, remarkCollectImages, remarkPrism, remarkShiki, } from '@astrojs/markdown-remark'; import { createProcessor, nodeTypes } from '@mdx-js/mdx'; import rehypeRaw from 'rehype-raw'; import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'; import remarkSmartypants from 'remark-smartypants'; import { SourceMapGenerator } from 'source-map'; import type { PluggableList } from 'unified'; import type { MdxOptions } from './index.js'; import { recmaInjectImportMetaEnv } from './recma-inject-import-meta-env.js'; import { rehypeApplyFrontmatterExport } from './rehype-apply-frontmatter-export.js'; import { rehypeInjectHeadingsExport } from './rehype-collect-headings.js'; import rehypeMetaString from './rehype-meta-string.js'; import { rehypeOptimizeStatic } from './rehype-optimize-static.js'; import { remarkImageToComponent } from './remark-images-to-component.js'; // Skip nonessential plugins during performance benchmark runs const isPerformanceBenchmark = Boolean(process.env.ASTRO_PERFORMANCE_BENCHMARK); interface MdxProcessorExtraOptions { sourcemap: boolean; importMetaEnv: Record; } export function createMdxProcessor(mdxOptions: MdxOptions, extraOptions: MdxProcessorExtraOptions) { return createProcessor({ remarkPlugins: getRemarkPlugins(mdxOptions), rehypePlugins: getRehypePlugins(mdxOptions), recmaPlugins: getRecmaPlugins(mdxOptions, extraOptions.importMetaEnv), remarkRehypeOptions: mdxOptions.remarkRehype, jsx: true, jsxImportSource: 'astro', // Note: disable `.md` (and other alternative extensions for markdown files like `.markdown`) support format: 'mdx', mdExtensions: [], elementAttributeNameCase: 'html', SourceMapGenerator: extraOptions.sourcemap ? SourceMapGenerator : undefined, }); } function getRemarkPlugins(mdxOptions: MdxOptions): PluggableList { let remarkPlugins: PluggableList = [remarkCollectImages, remarkImageToComponent]; if (!isPerformanceBenchmark) { if (mdxOptions.gfm) { remarkPlugins.push(remarkGfm); } if (mdxOptions.smartypants) { remarkPlugins.push(remarkSmartypants); } } remarkPlugins = [...remarkPlugins, ...mdxOptions.remarkPlugins]; if (!isPerformanceBenchmark) { // Apply syntax highlighters after user plugins to match `markdown/remark` behavior if (mdxOptions.syntaxHighlight === 'shiki') { remarkPlugins.push([remarkShiki, mdxOptions.shikiConfig]); } if (mdxOptions.syntaxHighlight === 'prism') { remarkPlugins.push(remarkPrism); } } return remarkPlugins; } function getRehypePlugins(mdxOptions: MdxOptions): PluggableList { let rehypePlugins: PluggableList = [ // ensure `data.meta` is preserved in `properties.metastring` for rehype syntax highlighters rehypeMetaString, // rehypeRaw allows custom syntax highlighters to work without added config [rehypeRaw, { passThrough: nodeTypes }] as any, ]; rehypePlugins = [ ...rehypePlugins, ...mdxOptions.rehypePlugins, // getHeadings() is guaranteed by TS, so this must be included. // We run `rehypeHeadingIds` _last_ to respect any custom IDs set by user plugins. ...(isPerformanceBenchmark ? [] : [rehypeHeadingIds, rehypeInjectHeadingsExport]), // computed from `` in VFile data rehypeApplyFrontmatterExport, ]; if (mdxOptions.optimize) { // Convert user `optimize` option to compatible `rehypeOptimizeStatic` option const options = mdxOptions.optimize === true ? undefined : mdxOptions.optimize; rehypePlugins.push([rehypeOptimizeStatic, options]); } return rehypePlugins; } function getRecmaPlugins( mdxOptions: MdxOptions, importMetaEnv: Record ): PluggableList { return [...(mdxOptions.recmaPlugins ?? []), [recmaInjectImportMetaEnv, { importMetaEnv }]]; }