import { run } from 'node:test'; import { spec } from 'node:test/reporters'; import arg from 'arg'; import glob from 'tiny-glob'; const isCI = !!process.env.CI; const defaultTimeout = isCI ? 30000 : 20000; export default async function test() { const args = arg({ '--match': String, // aka --test-name-pattern: '--only': Boolean, // aka --test-only: '--parallel': Boolean, // aka --test-concurrency: '--watch': Boolean, // experimental: '--timeout': Number, // Test timeout in milliseconds (default: 30000ms) '--setup': String, // Test setup file // Aliases '-m': '--match', '-o': '--only', '-p': '--parallel', '-w': '--watch', '-t': '--timeout', '-s': '--setup', }); const pattern = args._[1]; if (!pattern) throw new Error('Missing test glob pattern'); const files = await glob(pattern, { filesOnly: true, absolute: true }); // For some reason, the `only` option does not work and we need to explicitly set the CLI flag instead. // Node.js requires opt-in to run .only tests :( // if (args['--only']) { process.env.NODE_OPTIONS ??= ''; process.env.NODE_OPTIONS += ' --test-only'; } // run({ files, testNamePatterns: args['--match'], concurrency: args['--parallel'], only: args['--only'], setup: args['--setup'], watch: args['--watch'], timeout: args['--timeout'] ?? defaultTimeout, // Node.js defaults to Infinity, so set better fallback }) .pipe(new spec()) .pipe(process.stdout); }