// https://github.com/mdx-js/mdx/blob/main/packages/mdx/lib/plugin/remark-mark-and-unravel.js /** * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content * @typedef {Root|Content} Node * @typedef {Extract} Parent * * @typedef {import('remark-mdx')} DoNotTouchAsThisImportItIncludesMdxInTree */ import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'; /** * A tiny plugin that unravels `


` but also * `

` (so it has no knowledge of “HTML”). * It also marks JSX as being explicitly JSX, so when a user passes a `h1` * component, it is used for `# heading` but not for `


`. * * @type {import('unified').Plugin, Root>} */ export default function remarkMarkAndUnravel() { return (tree: any) => { visit(tree, (node, index, parent_) => { const parent = /** @type {Parent} */ parent_; let offset = -1; let all = true; /** @type {boolean|undefined} */ let oneOrMore; if (parent && typeof index === 'number' && node.type === 'paragraph') { const children = node.children; while (++offset < children.length) { const child = children[offset]; if (child.type === 'mdxJsxTextElement' || child.type === 'mdxTextExpression') { oneOrMore = true; } else if (child.type === 'text' && /^[\t\r\n ]+$/.test(String(child.value))) { // Empty. } else { all = false; break; } } if (all && oneOrMore) { offset = -1; while (++offset < children.length) { const child = children[offset]; if (child.type === 'mdxJsxTextElement') { child.type = 'mdxJsxFlowElement'; } if (child.type === 'mdxTextExpression') { child.type = 'mdxFlowExpression'; } } parent.children.splice(index, 1, ...children); return index; } } if (node.type === 'mdxJsxFlowElement' || node.type === 'mdxJsxTextElement') { const data = node.data || (node.data = {}); data._mdxExplicitJsx = true; } }); }; }