mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:57:08 -05:00
migrate seed data to new db push command
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 73 additions and 49 deletions
@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
import type { InArgs, InStatement } from '@libsql/client';
import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import deepDiff from 'deep-diff';
import { eq, sql } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { eq, sql, type Query } from 'drizzle-orm';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import { appTokenError } from '../../../errors.js';
import {
} from '../../../migrations.js';
import { collectionToTable, createLocalDatabaseClient } from '../../../internal.js';
import { getMigrations, initializeFromMigrations, loadMigration } from '../../../migrations.js';
import type { DBCollections } from '../../../types.js';
import {
} from '../../../utils.js';
const { diff } = deepDiff;
export async function cmd({ config, flags }: { config: AstroConfig; flags: Arguments }) {
const isSeedData = flags.seed;
const isDryRun = flags.dryRun;
export async function cmd({ config }: { config: AstroConfig, flags: Arguments }) {
const currentSnapshot = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config.db?.collections ?? {}));
const allMigrationFiles = await getMigrations();
if (allMigrationFiles.length === 0) {
@ -50,23 +51,74 @@ export async function cmd({ config }: { config: AstroConfig, flags: Arguments })
const missingMigrations = allLocalMigrations.filter((migration) => {
return !allRemoteMigrations.find((m: any) => m.name === migration);
console.log(`Pushing ${missingMigrations.length} migrations...`);
// load all missing migrations
const missingMigrationContents = await Promise.all(
missingMigrations.map(async (migration) => {
return JSON.parse(await readFile(`./migrations/${migration}`, 'utf-8'));
const missingMigrationContents = await Promise.all(missingMigrations.map(loadMigration));
// combine all missing migrations into a single batch
const missingMigrationBatch = missingMigrationContents.reduce((acc, curr) => {
return [...acc, ...curr.diff];
return [...acc, ...curr.db];
}, [] as string[]);
// apply the batch to the DB
// TODO: How to do this with Drizzle ORM & proxy implementation? Unclear.
// @ts-expect-error
await db.batch(missingMigrationBatch);
// TODO: Update the migrations table to set all to "applied"
// update the config schema in the admin table
.set({ collections: JSON.stringify(currentSnapshot) })
.where(eq(adminTable.id, STUDIO_ADMIN_TABLE_ROW_ID));
if (isSeedData) {
console.info('Pushing data...');
await tempDataPush({ currentSnapshot, appToken, isDryRun });
console.info('Push complete!');
/** TODO: refine with migration changes */
async function tempDataPush({
}: {
currentSnapshot: DBCollections;
appToken: string;
isDryRun?: boolean;
}) {
const db = await createLocalDatabaseClient({
collections: currentSnapshot,
dbUrl: ':memory:',
seeding: true,
const queries: Query[] = [];
for (const [name, collection] of Object.entries(currentSnapshot)) {
if (collection.writable || !collection.data) continue;
const table = collectionToTable(name, collection);
const insert = db.insert(table).values(await collection.data());
const url = new URL('/db/query', getRemoteDatabaseUrl());
const requestBody: InStatement[] = queries.map((q) => ({
sql: q.sql,
args: q.params as InArgs,
if (isDryRun) {
console.info('[DRY RUN] Batch data seed:', JSON.stringify(requestBody, null, 2));
return new Response(null, { status: 200 });
return await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({
Authorization: `Bearer ${appToken}`,
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import deepDiff from 'deep-diff';
import { mkdir, readFile, readdir, writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
const { diff, applyChange } = deepDiff;
import type { DBCollections } from './types.js';
const { applyChange } = deepDiff;
export async function getMigrations(): Promise<string[]> {
const migrationFiles = await readdir('./migrations').catch((err) => {
@ -12,11 +13,11 @@ export async function getMigrations(): Promise<string[]> {
return migrationFiles;
export async function loadMigration(migration: string): Promise<{ diff: any[]; db: any[] }> {
export async function loadMigration(migration: string): Promise<{ diff: any[]; db: string[] }> {
return JSON.parse(await readFile(`./migrations/${migration}`, 'utf-8'));
export async function loadInitialSnapshot(): Promise<any> {
export async function loadInitialSnapshot(): Promise<DBCollections> {
return JSON.parse(await readFile('./migrations/0000_snapshot.json', 'utf-8'));
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ export async function initializeMigrationsDirectory(currentSnapshot: unknown) {
await writeFile('./migrations/0000_snapshot.json', JSON.stringify(currentSnapshot, undefined, 2));
export async function initializeFromMigrations(allMigrationFiles: string[]) {
export async function initializeFromMigrations(allMigrationFiles: string[]): Promise<DBCollections> {
const prevSnapshot = await loadInitialSnapshot();
for (const migration of allMigrationFiles) {
if (migration === '0000_snapshot.json') continue;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import type { InStatement } from "@libsql/client";
import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import { sqliteTable, text } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-proxy';
import { red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors';
import { loadEnv } from 'vite';
import { z } from 'zod';
@ -22,34 +21,6 @@ export function getAstroStudioEnv(envMode = ''): Record<`ASTRO_STUDIO_${string}`
return env;
export async function isAppTokenValid({
}: {
remoteDbUrl: string;
appToken: string;
}): Promise<boolean> {
const { status } = await fetch(new URL('/authorize', remoteDbUrl), {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${appToken}`,
if (status === 200) {
return true;
} else if (status === 401) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(yellow(`⚠️ App token is invalid or revoked.`));
return false;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`${red('⚠️ Unexpected error connecting to Astro Studio.')} Please try again later.`,
export function getStudioUrl(): string {
const env = getAstroStudioEnv();
Add table
Reference in a new issue