mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:57:08 -05:00
Refactor style-only HMR cache and performance (#9712)
Co-authored-by: Nate Moore <natemoo-re@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 145 additions and 175 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"astro": patch
Improves HMR behavior for style-only changes in `.astro` files
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import type { AstroConfig } from '../../@types/astro.js';
import { compile, type CompileProps, type CompileResult } from './compile.js';
type CompilationCache = Map<string, CompileResult>;
const configCache = new WeakMap<AstroConfig, CompilationCache>();
export function isCached(config: AstroConfig, filename: string) {
return configCache.has(config) && configCache.get(config)!.has(filename);
export function getCachedCompileResult(
config: AstroConfig,
filename: string
): CompileResult | null {
if (!isCached(config, filename)) return null;
return configCache.get(config)!.get(filename)!;
export function invalidateCompilation(config: AstroConfig, filename: string) {
if (configCache.has(config)) {
const cache = configCache.get(config)!;
export async function cachedCompilation(props: CompileProps): Promise<CompileResult> {
const { astroConfig, filename } = props;
let cache: CompilationCache;
if (!configCache.has(astroConfig)) {
cache = new Map();
configCache.set(astroConfig, cache);
} else {
cache = configCache.get(astroConfig)!;
if (cache.has(filename)) {
return cache.get(filename)!;
const compileResult = await compile(props);
cache.set(filename, compileResult);
return compileResult;
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
export {
} from './cache.js';
export { compile } from './compile.js';
export type { CompileProps, CompileResult } from './compile.js';
export type { TransformStyle } from './types.js';
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
import { transformWithEsbuild, type ESBuildTransformResult } from 'vite';
import type { AstroConfig } from '../@types/astro.js';
import { cachedCompilation, type CompileProps, type CompileResult } from '../core/compile/index.js';
import { compile, type CompileProps, type CompileResult } from '../core/compile/index.js';
import type { Logger } from '../core/logger/core.js';
import { getFileInfo } from '../vite-plugin-utils/index.js';
import type { CompileMetadata } from './types.js';
interface CachedFullCompilation {
interface CompileAstroOption {
compileProps: CompileProps;
astroFileToCompileMetadata: Map<string, CompileMetadata>;
logger: Logger;
interface FullCompileResult extends Omit<CompileResult, 'map'> {
export interface CompileAstroResult extends Omit<CompileResult, 'map'> {
map: ESBuildTransformResult['map'];
@ -23,15 +25,16 @@ interface EnhanceCompilerErrorOptions {
const FRONTMATTER_PARSE_REGEXP = /^\-\-\-(.*)^\-\-\-/ms;
export async function cachedFullCompilation({
export async function compileAstro({
}: CachedFullCompilation): Promise<FullCompileResult> {
}: CompileAstroOption): Promise<CompileAstroResult> {
let transformResult: CompileResult;
let esbuildResult: ESBuildTransformResult;
try {
transformResult = await cachedCompilation(compileProps);
transformResult = await compile(compileProps);
// Compile all TypeScript to JavaScript.
// Also, catches invalid JS/TS in the compiled output before returning.
esbuildResult = await transformWithEsbuild(transformResult.code, compileProps.filename, {
@ -76,6 +79,13 @@ export async function cachedFullCompilation({
// Attach compile metadata to map for use by virtual modules
astroFileToCompileMetadata.set(compileProps.filename, {
originalCode: compileProps.source,
css: transformResult.css,
scripts: transformResult.scripts,
return {
code: esbuildResult.code + SUFFIX,
@ -1,42 +1,32 @@
import path from 'node:path';
import { appendForwardSlash } from '@astrojs/internal-helpers/path';
import type { HmrContext } from 'vite';
import type { AstroConfig } from '../@types/astro.js';
import type { cachedCompilation } from '../core/compile/index.js';
import { invalidateCompilation, isCached, type CompileResult } from '../core/compile/index.js';
import type { Logger } from '../core/logger/core.js';
import type { CompileAstroResult } from './compile.js';
import type { CompileMetadata } from './types.js';
export interface HandleHotUpdateOptions {
config: AstroConfig;
logger: Logger;
compile: (code: string, filename: string) => Promise<CompileAstroResult>;
astroFileToCssAstroDeps: Map<string, Set<string>>;
compile: () => ReturnType<typeof cachedCompilation>;
source: string;
astroFileToCompileMetadata: Map<string, CompileMetadata>;
export async function handleHotUpdate(
ctx: HmrContext,
{ config, logger, astroFileToCssAstroDeps, compile, source }: HandleHotUpdateOptions
{ logger, compile, astroFileToCssAstroDeps, astroFileToCompileMetadata }: HandleHotUpdateOptions
) {
let isStyleOnlyChange = false;
if (ctx.file.endsWith('.astro') && isCached(config, ctx.file)) {
// Get the compiled result from the cache
const oldResult = await compile();
// Skip HMR if source isn't changed
if (oldResult.source === source) return [];
// Invalidate to get fresh, uncached result to compare it to
invalidateCompilation(config, ctx.file);
const newResult = await compile();
if (isStyleOnlyChanged(oldResult, newResult)) {
isStyleOnlyChange = true;
} else {
invalidateCompilation(config, ctx.file);
if (isStyleOnlyChange) {
const oldCode = astroFileToCompileMetadata.get(ctx.file)?.originalCode;
const newCode = await ctx.read();
// If only the style code has changed, e.g. editing the `color`, then we can directly invalidate
// the Astro CSS virtual modules only. The main Astro module's JS result will be the same and doesn't
// need to be invalidated.
if (oldCode && isStyleOnlyChanged(oldCode, newCode)) {
logger.debug('watch', 'style-only change');
// Re-compile the main Astro component (even though we know its JS result will be the same)
// so that `astroFileToCompileMetadata` gets a fresh set of compile metadata to be used
// by the virtual modules later in the `load()` hook.
await compile(newCode, ctx.file);
// Only return the Astro styles that have changed!
return ctx.modules.filter((mod) => mod.id?.includes('astro&type=style'));
@ -68,25 +58,39 @@ export async function handleHotUpdate(
function isStyleOnlyChanged(oldResult: CompileResult, newResult: CompileResult) {
return (
normalizeCode(oldResult.code) === normalizeCode(newResult.code) &&
// If style tags are added/removed, we need to regenerate the main Astro file
// so that its CSS imports are also added/removed
oldResult.css.length === newResult.css.length &&
!isArrayEqual(oldResult.css, newResult.css)
const frontmatterRE = /^\-\-\-.*?^\-\-\-/ms;
const scriptRE = /<script(?:\s.*?)?>.*?<\/script>/gs;
const styleRE = /<style(?:\s.*?)?>.*?<\/style>/gs;
const astroStyleImportRE = /import\s*"[^"]+astro&type=style[^"]+";/g;
const sourceMappingUrlRE = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=[^ ]+$/gm;
function isStyleOnlyChanged(oldCode: string, newCode: string) {
if (oldCode === newCode) return false;
* Remove style-related code and sourcemap from the final astro output so they
* can be compared between non-style code
function normalizeCode(code: string) {
return code.replace(astroStyleImportRE, '').replace(sourceMappingUrlRE, '').trim();
// Before we can regex-capture style tags, we remove the frontmatter and scripts
// first as they could contain false-positive style tag matches. At the same time,
// we can also compare if they have changed and early out.
// Strip off and compare frontmatter
let oldFrontmatter = '';
let newFrontmatter = '';
oldCode = oldCode.replace(frontmatterRE, (m) => ((oldFrontmatter = m), ''));
newCode = newCode.replace(frontmatterRE, (m) => ((newFrontmatter = m), ''));
if (oldFrontmatter !== newFrontmatter) return false;
// Strip off and compare scripts
const oldScripts: string[] = [];
const newScripts: string[] = [];
oldCode = oldCode.replace(scriptRE, (m) => (oldScripts.push(m), ''));
newCode = newCode.replace(scriptRE, (m) => (newScripts.push(m), ''));
if (!isArrayEqual(oldScripts, newScripts)) return false;
// Finally, we can compare styles
const oldStyles: string[] = [];
const newStyles: string[] = [];
oldCode.match(styleRE)?.forEach((m) => oldStyles.push(m));
newCode.match(styleRE)?.forEach((m) => newStyles.push(m));
// The length must also be the same for style only change. If style tags are added/removed,
// we need to regenerate the main Astro file so that its CSS imports are also added/removed
return oldStyles.length === newStyles.length && !isArrayEqual(oldStyles, newStyles);
function isArrayEqual(a: any[], b: any[]) {
@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
import type { SourceDescription } from 'rollup';
import type * as vite from 'vite';
import type { AstroSettings } from '../@types/astro.js';
import type { AstroConfig, AstroSettings } from '../@types/astro.js';
import type { Logger } from '../core/logger/core.js';
import type { PluginMetadata as AstroPluginMetadata } from './types.js';
import type { PluginMetadata as AstroPluginMetadata, CompileMetadata } from './types.js';
import { normalizePath } from 'vite';
import {
type CompileProps,
} from '../core/compile/index.js';
import { isRelativePath } from '../core/path.js';
import { normalizeFilename } from '../vite-plugin-utils/index.js';
import { cachedFullCompilation } from './compile.js';
import { compileAstro, type CompileAstroResult } from './compile.js';
import { handleHotUpdate } from './hmr.js';
import { parseAstroRequest } from './query.js';
export { getAstroMetadata } from './metadata.js';
@ -24,17 +17,22 @@ interface AstroPluginOptions {
logger: Logger;
const astroFileToCompileMetadataWeakMap = new WeakMap<AstroConfig, Map<string, CompileMetadata>>();
/** Transform .astro files for Vite */
export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Plugin[] {
const { config } = settings;
let resolvedConfig: vite.ResolvedConfig;
let server: vite.ViteDevServer | undefined;
let compile: (code: string, filename: string) => Promise<CompileAstroResult>;
// Tailwind styles could register Astro files as dependencies of other Astro files,
// causing circular imports which trips Vite's HMR. This set is passed to `handleHotUpdate`
// to force a page reload when these dependency files are updated
// NOTE: We need to initialize a map here and in `buildStart` because our unit tests don't
// call `buildStart` (test bug)
let astroFileToCssAstroDeps = new Map<string, Set<string>>();
// Each Astro file has its own compile metadata so that its scripts and styles virtual module
// can retrieve their code from here.
let astroFileToCompileMetadata = new Map<string, CompileMetadata>();
// Variables for determining if an id starts with /src...
const srcRootWeb = config.srcDir.pathname.slice(config.root.pathname.length - 1);
@ -43,14 +41,41 @@ export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Pl
const prePlugin: vite.Plugin = {
name: 'astro:build',
enforce: 'pre', // run transforms before other plugins can
configResolved(_resolvedConfig) {
resolvedConfig = _resolvedConfig;
configResolved(viteConfig) {
// Initialize `compile` function to simplify usage later
compile = (code, filename) => {
return compileAstro({
compileProps: {
astroConfig: config,
preferences: settings.preferences,
source: code,
configureServer(_server) {
server = _server;
// Make sure deleted files are removed from the compile metadata to save memory
server.watcher.on('unlink', (filename) => {
buildStart() {
astroFileToCssAstroDeps = new Map();
astroFileToCompileMetadata = new Map();
// Share the `astroFileToCompileMetadata` across the same Astro config as Astro performs
// multiple builds and its hoisted scripts analyzer requires the compile metadata from
// previous builds. Ideally this should not be needed when we refactor hoisted scripts analysis.
if (astroFileToCompileMetadataWeakMap.has(config)) {
astroFileToCompileMetadata = astroFileToCompileMetadataWeakMap.get(config)!;
} else {
astroFileToCompileMetadataWeakMap.set(config, astroFileToCompileMetadata);
async load(id, opts) {
const parsedId = parseAstroRequest(id);
@ -58,20 +83,18 @@ export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Pl
if (!query.astro) {
return null;
// For CSS / hoisted scripts, the main Astro module should already be cached
const filename = normalizePath(normalizeFilename(parsedId.filename, config.root));
let compileResult = getCachedCompileResult(config, filename);
if (!compileResult) {
// In dev, HMR could cause this compile result to be empty, try to load it first
if (server) {
await server.transformRequest('/@fs' + filename);
compileResult = getCachedCompileResult(config, filename);
// If there's really no compilation result, error
if (!compileResult) {
throw new Error('No cached compile result found for ' + id);
// Astro scripts and styles virtual module code comes from the main Astro compilation
// through the metadata from `astroFileToCompileMetadata`. It should always exist as Astro
// modules are compiled first, then its virtual modules. If the virtual modules are somehow
// compiled first, throw an error and we should investigate it.
const filename = normalizePath(normalizeFilename(parsedId.filename, config.root));
const compileMetadata = astroFileToCompileMetadata.get(filename);
if (!compileMetadata) {
throw new Error(
`No cached compile metadata found for "${id}". The main Astro module "${filename}" should have ` +
`compiled and filled the metadata first, before its virtual modules can be requested.`
switch (query.type) {
@ -80,19 +103,12 @@ export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Pl
throw new Error(`Requests for Astro CSS must include an index.`);
const code = compileResult.css[query.index];
const code = compileMetadata.css[query.index];
if (!code) {
throw new Error(`No Astro CSS at index ${query.index}`);
return {
meta: {
vite: {
isSelfAccepting: true,
return { code };
case 'script': {
if (typeof query.index === 'undefined') {
@ -105,7 +121,7 @@ export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Pl
const hoistedScript = compileResult.scripts[query.index];
const hoistedScript = compileMetadata.scripts[query.index];
if (!hoistedScript) {
throw new Error(`No hoisted script at index ${query.index}`);
@ -154,24 +170,9 @@ export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Pl
if (!id.endsWith('.astro') || parsedId.query.astro) {
// if we still get a relative path here, vite couldn't resolve the import
if (isRelativePath(parsedId.filename)) {
const compileProps: CompileProps = {
astroConfig: config,
viteConfig: resolvedConfig,
preferences: settings.preferences,
filename: normalizePath(parsedId.filename),
// We invalidate and then compile again as we know Vite will only call this `transform`
// when its cache is invalidated.
// TODO: Do the compilation directly and remove our cache so we rely on Vite only.
invalidateCompilation(config, compileProps.filename);
const transformResult = await cachedFullCompilation({ compileProps, logger });
const filename = normalizePath(parsedId.filename);
const transformResult = await compile(source, filename);
// Register dependencies of this module
const astroDeps = new Set<string>();
@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Pl
// Here we manually invalidate the virtual modules ourselves when we're compiling the Astro module.
// When that bug is resolved, we can add the dependencies to the virtual module directly and remove this.
if (server) {
const mods = server.moduleGraph.getModulesByFile(compileProps.filename);
const mods = server.moduleGraph.getModulesByFile(filename);
if (mods) {
const seen = new Set(mods);
for (const mod of mods) {
@ -223,24 +224,14 @@ export default function astro({ settings, logger }: AstroPluginOptions): vite.Pl
async handleHotUpdate(context) {
if (context.server.config.isProduction) return;
const filename = context.file;
const source = await context.read();
const compile = () =>
astroConfig: config,
viteConfig: resolvedConfig,
preferences: settings.preferences,
return handleHotUpdate(context, {
async handleHotUpdate(ctx) {
if (!ctx.file.endsWith('.astro')) return;
return handleHotUpdate(ctx, {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import type { TransformResult } from '@astrojs/compiler';
import type { HoistedScript, TransformResult } from '@astrojs/compiler';
import type { PropagationHint } from '../@types/astro.js';
import type { CompileAstroResult } from './compile.js';
export interface PageOptions {
prerender?: boolean;
@ -15,3 +16,12 @@ export interface PluginMetadata {
pageOptions: PageOptions;
export interface CompileMetadata {
/** Used for HMR to compare code changes */
originalCode: string;
/** For Astro CSS virtual module */
css: string[];
/** For Astro hoisted scripts virtual module */
scripts: HoistedScript[];
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { resolveConfig } from 'vite';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { cachedCompilation } from '../../../dist/core/compile/index.js';
import { compile } from '../../../dist/core/compile/index.js';
import { AggregateError } from '../../../dist/core/errors/index.js';
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe('astro/src/core/compile', () => {
it('throws an aggregate error with the errors', async () => {
let error;
try {
await cachedCompilation({
await compile({
astroConfig: {
root: pathToFileURL('/'),
experimental: {},
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { resolveConfig } from 'vite';
import { cachedFullCompilation } from '../../../dist/vite-plugin-astro/compile.js';
import { compileAstro } from '../../../dist/vite-plugin-astro/compile.js';
import { init, parse } from 'es-module-lexer';
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
@ -11,17 +11,14 @@ const viteConfig = await resolveConfig({ configFile: false }, 'serve');
* @param {string} id
async function compile(source, id) {
return await cachedFullCompilation({
return await compileAstro({
compileProps: {
astroConfig: { root: pathToFileURL('/'), base: '/', experimental: {} },
filename: id,
logging: {
level: 'info',
rawId: id,
astroFileToCompileMetadata: new Map(),
Add table
Reference in a new issue