mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 23:11:29 -05:00
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 182 additions and 67 deletions
@ -1,19 +1,30 @@
export async function getStaticPaths() {
// NOTE: This should be setup(), however the compiler currently only hoists
// getStaticPaths(). So we're using getStaticPaths() for the moment.
export async function getStaticPaths({content, buildStaticPaths, rss}) {
// content() instructions:
// To fetch via glob:
// console.log(await content('./en/**/*.md'));
// To fetch via glob + filter (filtering improves HMR):
// console.log(await content('./en/**/*.md', (f) => f.file.includes('getting-started')));
// get english pages that moved from `/` to `/en/`
const englishPages = Astro.fetchContent('./en/**/*.md');
const englishPages = await content('./en/**/*.md');
// add pages that are `*.astro` files as well
const otherPages = [{ url: "/en/themes" }];
return [...englishPages, ...otherPages].map((page) => ({
buildStaticPaths([...englishPages, ...otherPages].map((page) => ({
params: {
slug: page.url.slice(4),
slug: page.url ? page.url.slice(4) : page.file.replace(/^.*src.pages.en/, ''),
props: {
englishSlug: page.url,
englishSlug: page.url ? page.url : page.file.replace(/^.*src.pages/, ''),
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content={`0;url=${Astro.props.englishSlug}`} />
Commented out so that the page doesn't redirect while testing.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content={`0;url=${Astro.props.englishSlug}`} />
@ -173,9 +173,10 @@ export interface ComponentInstance {
$$metadata: Metadata;
default: AstroComponentFactory;
css?: string[];
getStaticPaths?: (options: GetStaticPathsOptions) => GetStaticPathsResult;
getStaticPaths?: (options: GetStaticPathsOptions) => void | GetStaticPathsResultKeyed;
* Astro.fetchContent() result
* Docs: https://docs.astro.build/reference/api-reference/#astrofetchcontent
@ -191,14 +192,28 @@ export type FetchContentResultBase = {
url: URL;
export type NewFetchContentResult<T = unknown> = {
file: string,
data: T,
Content: any,
content: {
headers: string[];
source: string;
html: string;
export type GetHydrateCallback = () => Promise<(element: Element, innerHTML: string | null) => void>;
* getStaticPaths() options
* Docs: https://docs.astro.build/reference/api-reference/#getstaticpaths
*/ export interface GetStaticPathsOptions {
paginate?: PaginateFunction;
rss?: (...args: any[]) => any;
export interface GetStaticPathsOptions {
content<T = any>(globStr: string, filter?: (data: any) => boolean): Promise<NewFetchContentResult<T>[]>;
paginate: PaginateFunction;
buildStaticPaths: (paths: GetStaticPathsResultKeyed) => void;
rss: (...args: any[]) => any;
export type GetStaticPathsItem = { params: Params; props?: Props };
@ -206,6 +221,12 @@ export type GetStaticPathsResult = GetStaticPathsItem[];
export type GetStaticPathsResultKeyed = GetStaticPathsResult & {
keyed: Map<string, GetStaticPathsItem>;
export type GetStaticPathsResultObject = {
filePath: URL;
rss: undefined | RSS;
staticPaths: GetStaticPathsResultKeyed; // TODO: if setup(), this is optional
linkedContent: string[];
export interface HydrateOptions {
value?: string;
@ -341,7 +362,7 @@ export interface RouteData {
type: 'page';
export type RouteCache = Record<string, GetStaticPathsResultKeyed>;
export type RouteCache = Record<string, GetStaticPathsResultObject>;
export type RuntimeMode = 'development' | 'production';
@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ import * as colors from 'kleur/colors';
import { debug } from '../logger.js';
import { preload as ssrPreload } from '../ssr/index.js';
import { validateGetStaticPathsModule, validateGetStaticPathsResult } from '../ssr/routing.js';
import { generatePaginateFunction } from '../ssr/paginate.js';
import { generateRssFunction } from '../ssr/rss.js';
import { assignStaticPaths } from '../ssr/route-cache.js';
import { callGetStaticPaths } from '../ssr/route-cache.js';
export interface CollectPagesDataOptions {
astroConfig: AstroConfig;
@ -131,9 +130,12 @@ async function getStaticPathsForRoute(opts: CollectPagesDataOptions, route: Rout
const mod = (await viteServer.ssrLoadModule(fileURLToPath(filePath))) as ComponentInstance;
const rss = generateRssFunction(astroConfig.buildOptions.site, route);
await assignStaticPaths(routeCache, route, mod, rss.generator);
const staticPaths = routeCache[route.component];
validateGetStaticPathsResult(staticPaths, logging);
routeCache[route.component] = routeCache[route.component] || await callGetStaticPaths(filePath, mod, route, (f) => viteServer.ssrLoadModule(f));
if (routeCache[route.component].rss) {
validateGetStaticPathsResult(routeCache[route.component], logging);
const staticPaths = routeCache[route.component].staticPaths;
return {
paths: staticPaths.map((staticPath) => staticPath.params && route.generate(staticPath.params)).filter(Boolean),
rss: rss.rss,
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import { injectTags } from './html.js';
import { generatePaginateFunction } from './paginate.js';
import { getParams, validateGetStaticPathsModule, validateGetStaticPathsResult } from './routing.js';
import { createResult } from './result.js';
import { assignStaticPaths, ensureRouteCached, findPathItemByKey } from './route-cache.js';
import { callGetStaticPaths, findPathItemByKey } from './route-cache.js';
const svelteStylesRE = /svelte\?svelte&type=style/;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ interface SSROptions {
/** the web request (needed for dynamic routes) */
pathname: string;
/** optional, in case we need to render something outside of a dev server */
route?: RouteData;
route: RouteData;
/** pass in route cache because SSR can’t manage cache-busting */
routeCache: RouteCache;
/** Vite instance */
@ -130,12 +130,11 @@ ${err.frame}
export type ComponentPreload = [Renderer[], ComponentInstance];
export async function preload({ astroConfig, filePath, viteServer }: SSROptions): Promise<ComponentPreload> {
export async function preload({ astroConfig, route, routeCache, filePath, viteServer }: SSROptions): Promise<ComponentPreload> {
// Important: This needs to happen first, in case a renderer provides polyfills.
const renderers = await resolveRenderers(viteServer, astroConfig);
// Load the module from the Vite SSR Runtime.
const mod = (await viteServer.ssrLoadModule(fileURLToPath(filePath))) as ComponentInstance;
return [renderers, mod];
@ -168,13 +167,13 @@ export async function getParamsAndProps({
if (!routeCache[route.component]) {
await assignStaticPaths(routeCache, route, mod);
throw new Error(`[${route.component}] Internal error: route cache was empty, but expected to be full.`);
if (validate) {
// This validation is expensive so we only want to do it in dev.
validateGetStaticPathsResult(routeCache[route.component], logging);
const staticPaths: GetStaticPathsResultKeyed = routeCache[route.component];
const staticPaths: GetStaticPathsResultKeyed = routeCache[route.component].staticPaths;
const paramsKey = JSON.stringify(params);
const matchedStaticPath = findPathItemByKey(staticPaths, paramsKey, logging);
if (!matchedStaticPath) {
@ -204,9 +203,9 @@ export async function render(renderers: Renderer[], mod: ComponentInstance, ssrO
await ensureRouteCached(routeCache, route, mod);
routeCache[route.component] = routeCache[route.component] || (await callGetStaticPaths(filePath, mod, route, (f) => viteServer.ssrLoadModule(f)));
validateGetStaticPathsResult(routeCache[route.component], logging);
const routePathParams: GetStaticPathsResult = routeCache[route.component];
const routePathParams: GetStaticPathsResult = routeCache[route.component].staticPaths;
const matchedStaticPath = routePathParams.find(({ params: _params }) => JSON.stringify(_params) === JSON.stringify(params));
if (!matchedStaticPath) {
throw new Error(`[getStaticPaths] route pattern matched, but no matching static path found. (${pathname})`);
@ -1,47 +1,48 @@
import type { ComponentInstance, GetStaticPathsItem, GetStaticPathsResult, GetStaticPathsResultKeyed, RouteCache, RouteData } from '../../@types/astro';
import type { ComponentInstance, GetStaticPathsOptions, GetStaticPathsResult, RouteCache, RouteData, GetStaticPathsItem, GetStaticPathsResultKeyed, GetStaticPathsResultObject } from '../../@types/astro';
import type { LogOptions } from '../logger';
import { debug } from '../logger.js';
import { generatePaginateFunction } from '../ssr/paginate.js';
import { createNewFetchContentFn } from '../../runtime/server/content.js';
type RSSFn = (...args: any[]) => any;
export async function callGetStaticPaths(mod: ComponentInstance, route: RouteData, rssFn?: RSSFn): Promise<GetStaticPathsResultKeyed> {
const staticPaths: GetStaticPathsResult = await (
export async function callGetStaticPaths(filePath: URL, mod: ComponentInstance, route: RouteData, loadContent: (filePath: string) => Promise<any>): Promise<GetStaticPathsResultObject> {
let result: GetStaticPathsResultObject = {
rss: undefined,
// @ts-expect-error
staticPaths: undefined,
linkedContent: [],
let staticPaths: GetStaticPathsResult = [];
const newFetchContentFn = createNewFetchContentFn(filePath, mod, loadContent);
await (
await mod.getStaticPaths!({
content: async (globStr, filter) => {
const [fetchContentResults, linkedContentIds] = await newFetchContentFn(globStr, filter);
return fetchContentResults;
paginate: generatePaginateFunction(route),
rssFn ||
(() => {
/* noop */
buildStaticPaths: (result) => {
staticPaths = result;
rss: (fn) => {
result.rss = fn;
const keyedStaticPaths = staticPaths as GetStaticPathsResultKeyed;
const keyedStaticPaths: GetStaticPathsResultKeyed = (staticPaths || []) as any;
keyedStaticPaths.keyed = new Map<string, GetStaticPathsItem>();
for (const sp of keyedStaticPaths) {
const paramsKey = JSON.stringify(sp.params);
keyedStaticPaths.keyed.set(paramsKey, sp);
result.staticPaths = keyedStaticPaths;
return keyedStaticPaths;
return result;
export async function assignStaticPaths(routeCache: RouteCache, route: RouteData, mod: ComponentInstance, rssFn?: RSSFn): Promise<void> {
const staticPaths = await callGetStaticPaths(mod, route, rssFn);
routeCache[route.component] = staticPaths;
export async function ensureRouteCached(routeCache: RouteCache, route: RouteData, mod: ComponentInstance, rssFn?: RSSFn): Promise<GetStaticPathsResultKeyed> {
if (!routeCache[route.component]) {
const staticPaths = await callGetStaticPaths(mod, route, rssFn);
routeCache[route.component] = staticPaths;
return staticPaths;
} else {
return routeCache[route.component];
export function findPathItemByKey(staticPaths: GetStaticPathsResultKeyed, paramsKey: string, logging: LogOptions) {
let matchedStaticPath = staticPaths.keyed.get(paramsKey);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import type { AstroConfig, ComponentInstance, GetStaticPathsResult, ManifestData, Params, RouteData } from '../../@types/astro';
import type { AstroConfig, ComponentInstance, GetStaticPathsResult, GetStaticPathsResultObject, ManifestData, Params, RouteData } from '../../@types/astro';
import type { LogOptions } from '../logger';
import fs from 'fs';
@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ export function validateGetStaticPathsModule(mod: ComponentInstance) {
/** Throw error for malformed getStaticPaths() response */
export function validateGetStaticPathsResult(result: GetStaticPathsResult, logging: LogOptions) {
export function validateGetStaticPathsResult(resultObj: GetStaticPathsResultObject, logging: LogOptions) {
const result = resultObj.staticPaths;
if (!Array.isArray(result)) {
throw new Error(`[getStaticPaths] invalid return value. Expected an array of path objects, but got \`${JSON.stringify(result)}\`.`);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import type { AstroComponentMetadata, Renderer, AstroGlobalPartial, SSRResult, SSRElement, GetStaticPathsOptions, ComponentInstance } from '../../@types/astro';
import glob from 'fast-glob';
import { pathToFileURL, fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { dirname } from 'path';
/** Create the Astro.content() runtime function. */
export function createNewFetchContentFn(fileUrl: URL, mod: ComponentInstance, loadContent: (filePath: string) => Promise<any>): any {
const fetchResults: string[][] = [];
const filePath = fileURLToPath(fileUrl);
const cwd = dirname(filePath);
console.log(filePath, cwd, mod);
return (async (pattern: string, filter?: (data: any) => boolean) => {
const files = await glob(pattern, {
absolute: true,
// Ignore node_modules by default unless explicitly indicated in the pattern
ignore: /(^|\/)node_modules\//.test(pattern) ? [] : ['**/node_modules/**'],
// for each file, import it and pass it to filter
const modules =
(await Promise.all(files.map((f) => loadContent(f))))
.map((mod, i) => {
// Only return Markdown files for now.
if (!mod.frontmatter) {
const filePath = files[i];
return {
file: filePath,
data: mod.frontmatter,
Content: mod.default,
content: mod.metadata,
// TODO: figure out if we want to do the url property
// We would need to use some Vite resolution logic, I think
// but we may not even want to bring this along
// url: urlSpec.includes('/pages/') ? urlSpec.replace(/^.*\/pages\//, site.pathname).replace(/(\/index)?\.md$/, '') : undefined,
.filter(filter || (() => true));
console.log(files, modules);
return [modules as any[], files];
// PREVIOUS CODE - to be deleted before merging
// let allEntries = [...Object.entries(importMetaGlobResult)];
// if (allEntries.length === 0) {
// throw new Error(`[${url.pathname}] Astro.fetchContent() no matches found.`);
// }
// return allEntries
// .map(([spec, mod]) => {
// // Only return Markdown files for now.
// if (!mod.frontmatter) {
// return;
// }
// const urlSpec = new URL(spec, url).pathname;
// return {
// ...mod.frontmatter,
// Content: mod.default,
// content: mod.metadata,
// file: new URL(spec, url),
// url: urlSpec.includes('/pages/') ? urlSpec.replace(/^.*\/pages\//, site.pathname).replace(/(\/index)?\.md$/, '') : undefined,
// };
// })
// .filter(Boolean);
// };
// // This has to be cast because the type of fetchContent is the type of the function
// // that receives the import.meta.glob result, but the user is using it as
// // another type.
// return fetchContent as unknown as AstroGlobalPartial['fetchContent'];
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import type { AstroComponentMetadata, Renderer } from '../../@types/astro';
import type { AstroGlobalPartial, SSRResult, SSRElement } from '../../@types/astro';
import type { AstroComponentMetadata, Renderer, AstroGlobalPartial, SSRResult, SSRElement } from '../../@types/astro';
import shorthash from 'shorthash';
import { extractDirectives, generateHydrateScript } from './hydration.js';
@ -264,6 +263,7 @@ If you're still stuck, please open an issue on GitHub or join us at https://astr
/** Create the Astro.fetchContent() runtime function. */
function createFetchContentFn(url: URL, site: URL) {
const fetchContent = (importMetaGlobResult: Record<string, any>) => {
let allEntries = [...Object.entries(importMetaGlobResult)];
if (allEntries.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`[${url.pathname}] Astro.fetchContent() no matches found.`);
@ -128,20 +128,27 @@ export default function createPlugin({ config, logging }: AstroPluginOptions): v
const pagesDirectory = fileURLToPath(config.pages);
let routeCache: RouteCache = {};
let manifest: ManifestData = createRouteManifest({ config: config }, logging);
/** rebuild the route cache + manifest if the changed file impacts routing. */
function rebuildManifestIfNeeded(file: string) {
if (file.startsWith(pagesDirectory)) {
routeCache = {};
/** rebuild the route cache + manifest, as needed. */
function rebuildManifest(needsManifestRebuild: boolean, file: string) {
for (const [routeComponent, routeCacheEntry] of Object.entries(routeCache)) {
if (fileURLToPath(routeCacheEntry.filePath) === file || routeCacheEntry.linkedContent.includes(file)) {
delete routeCache[routeComponent];
// Vite doesn't give us a way to trigger a page-specific HMR event manually.
// Instead, just trigger a full page reload, which should be fine for most users.
// The routeCache entry deletion prevents stale pages from reloading.
type: 'full-reload',
if (needsManifestRebuild) {
manifest = createRouteManifest({ config: config }, logging);
// Rebuild route manifest on file change, if needed.
viteServer.watcher.on('add', rebuildManifestIfNeeded);
viteServer.watcher.on('unlink', rebuildManifestIfNeeded);
// No need to rebuild routes on content-only changes.
// However, we DO want to clear the cache in case
// the change caused a getStaticPaths() return to change.
viteServer.watcher.on('change', () => (routeCache = {}));
viteServer.watcher.on('add', rebuildManifest.bind(null, true));
viteServer.watcher.on('unlink', rebuildManifest.bind(null, true));
viteServer.watcher.on('change', rebuildManifest.bind(null, false));
return () => {
viteServer.middlewares.use(async (req, res) => {
Add table
Reference in a new issue