Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/withastro/astro.git synced 2025-03-10 23:01:26 -05:00

Rework - now it's all SSR

This commit is contained in:
JuanM04 2022-03-29 23:01:37 -03:00
parent 1278d39b86
commit 697ff4dfb4
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 0171B712E406271A
7 changed files with 169 additions and 64 deletions

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ ${
? `const _exports = adapter.createExports(_manifest, _args);
${adapter.exports.map((name) => `export const ${name} = _exports['${name}'];`).join('\n')}
${adapter.exports.includes('_default') ? `export default _default` : ''}
: ''

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"homepage": "https://astro.build",
"exports": {
".": "./dist/index.js",
"./server-entrypoint": "./dist/server-entrypoint.js",
"./package.json": "./package.json"
"scripts": {
@ -22,9 +23,7 @@
"dev": "astro-scripts dev \"src/**/*.ts\""
"dependencies": {
"@astrojs/webapi": "^0.11.0",
"esbuild": "0.14.25",
"globby": "^12.2.0"
"@astrojs/webapi": "^0.11.0"
"devDependencies": {
"astro": "workspace:*",

View file

@ -1,79 +1,64 @@
import type { AstroIntegration, AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import type { AstroAdapter, AstroIntegration } from 'astro';
import type { PathLike } from 'fs';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { globby } from 'globby';
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
export type VercelRequest = IncomingMessage;
export type VercelResponse = ServerResponse;
export type VercelHandler = (request: VercelRequest, response: VercelResponse) => void | Promise<void>;
const writeJson = (path: PathLike, data: any) => fs.writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(data), { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const ENDPOINT_GLOB = 'api/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}';
export function getAdapter(): AstroAdapter {
return {
name: '@astrojs/vercel',
serverEntrypoint: '@astrojs/vercel/server-entrypoint',
exports: ['_default'],
function vercelFunctions(): AstroIntegration {
let _config: AstroConfig;
let output: URL;
export default function vercel(): AstroIntegration {
let entryFile: string;
return {
name: '@astrojs/vercel',
hooks: {
'astro:config:setup': ({ config, ignorePages }) => {
output = new URL('./.output/', config.projectRoot);
config.dist = new URL('./static/', output);
'astro:config:setup': ({ config }) => {
config.dist = new URL('./.output/', config.projectRoot);
config.buildOptions.pageUrlFormat = 'directory';
'astro:config:done': async ({ config }) => {
_config = config;
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
'astro:build:start': async () => {
await fs.rm(output, { recursive: true, force: true });
'astro:build:start': async ({ buildConfig, config }) => {
entryFile = buildConfig.serverEntry;
buildConfig.client = new URL('./static/', config.dist);
buildConfig.server = new URL('./functions/', config.dist);
'astro:build:done': async ({ pages }) => {
// Split pages from the rest of files
await Promise.all(
pages.map(async ({ pathname }) => {
const origin = new URL(`./static/${pathname}index.html`, output);
const finalDir = new URL(`./server/pages/${pathname}`, output);
await fs.mkdir(finalDir, { recursive: true });
await fs.copyFile(origin, new URL(`./index.html`, finalDir));
await fs.rm(origin);
'astro:build:done': async ({ dir, routes }) => {
await writeJson(new URL(`./functions/package.json`, dir), {
type: 'commonjs',
// Routes Manifest
// https://vercel.com/docs/file-system-api#configuration/routes
await writeJson(new URL(`./routes-manifest.json`, output), {
await writeJson(new URL(`./routes-manifest.json`, dir), {
version: 3,
basePath: '/',
pages404: false,
rewrites: routes.map((route) => ({
source: route.pathname,
destination: '/__astro_entry',
const endpoints = await globby([ENDPOINT_GLOB, '!_*'], { onlyFiles: true, cwd: _config.pages });
if (endpoints.length === 0) return;
await esbuild.build({
entryPoints: endpoints.map((endpoint) => new URL(endpoint, _config.pages)).map(fileURLToPath),
outdir: fileURLToPath(new URL('./server/pages/api/', output)),
outbase: fileURLToPath(new URL('./api/', _config.pages)),
inject: [fileURLToPath(new URL('./shims.js', import.meta.url))],
bundle: true,
target: 'node14',
platform: 'node',
format: 'cjs',
// Functions Manifest
// https://vercel.com/docs/file-system-api#configuration/functions
await writeJson(new URL(`./functions-manifest.json`, dir), {
version: 1,
pages: {
__astro_entry: {
runtime: 'nodejs14',
handler: `functions/${entryFile}`,
await writeJson(new URL(`./package.json`, output), { type: 'commonjs' });
export default vercelFunctions;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import { Readable } from 'stream';
import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';
Credits to the SvelteKit team
function get_raw_body(req: IncomingMessage) {
return new Promise<Uint8Array | null>((fulfil, reject) => {
const h = req.headers;
if (!h['content-type']) {
return fulfil(null);
req.on('error', reject);
const length = Number(h['content-length']);
// https://github.com/jshttp/type-is/blob/c1f4388c71c8a01f79934e68f630ca4a15fffcd6/index.js#L81-L95
if (isNaN(length) && h['transfer-encoding'] == null) {
return fulfil(null);
let data = new Uint8Array(length || 0);
if (length > 0) {
let offset = 0;
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
const new_len = offset + Buffer.byteLength(chunk);
if (new_len > length) {
return reject({
status: 413,
reason: 'Exceeded "Content-Length" limit',
data.set(chunk, offset);
offset = new_len;
} else {
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
const new_data = new Uint8Array(data.length + chunk.length);
new_data.set(data, 0);
new_data.set(chunk, data.length);
data = new_data;
req.on('end', () => {
export async function getRequest(base: string, req: IncomingMessage): Promise<Request> {
let headers = req.headers as Record<string, string>;
if (req.httpVersionMajor === 2) {
// we need to strip out the HTTP/2 pseudo-headers because node-fetch's
// Request implementation doesn't like them
headers = Object.assign({}, headers);
delete headers[':method'];
delete headers[':path'];
delete headers[':authority'];
delete headers[':scheme'];
return new Request(base + req.url, {
method: req.method,
body: await get_raw_body(req), // TODO stream rather than buffer
export async function setResponse(res: ServerResponse, response: Response): Promise<void> {
const headers = Object.fromEntries(response.headers);
if (response.headers.has('set-cookie')) {
// @ts-expect-error (headers.raw() is non-standard)
headers['set-cookie'] = response.headers.raw()['set-cookie'];
res.writeHead(response.status, headers);
if (response.body instanceof Readable) {
} else {
if (response.body) {
res.write(await response.arrayBuffer());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import type { SSRManifest } from 'astro';
import { App } from 'astro/app';
import { polyfill } from '@astrojs/webapi';
import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import { getRequest, setResponse } from './request-transform.js';
polyfill(globalThis, {
exclude: 'window document',
export const createExports = (manifest: SSRManifest) => {
const app = new App(manifest);
const _default = async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
let request: Request;
try {
request = await getRequest(`https://${req.headers.host}`, req);
} catch (err: any) {
res.statusCode = err.status || 400;
return res.end(err.reason || 'Invalid request body');
if (!app.match(request)) {
res.statusCode = 404;
return res.end('Not found');
await setResponse(res, await app.render(request));
return { _default };

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
import { polyfill } from '@astrojs/webapi';
polyfill(globalThis, {
exclude: 'window document',

pnpm-lock.yaml generated
View file

@ -1350,12 +1350,8 @@ importers:
'@astrojs/webapi': ^0.11.0
astro: workspace:*
astro-scripts: workspace:*
esbuild: 0.14.25
globby: ^12.2.0
'@astrojs/webapi': link:../../webapi
esbuild: 0.14.25
globby: 12.2.0
astro: link:../../astro
astro-scripts: link:../../../scripts