mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 23:21:57 -05:00
Revert parseArgs change (#11733)
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 131 additions and 132 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
'create-astro': patch
'@astrojs/db': patch
Reverts back to `arg` package for CLI argument parsing
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
'astro': patch
'@astrojs/db': patch
Reverts back to `yargs-parser` package for CLI argument parsing
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
"@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx": "^7.25.2",
"@babel/traverse": "^7.25.3",
"@babel/types": "^7.25.2",
"@rollup/pluginutils": "^5.1.0",
"@oslojs/encoding": "^0.4.1",
"@rollup/pluginutils": "^5.1.0",
"@types/babel__core": "^7.20.5",
"@types/cookie": "^0.6.0",
"acorn": "^8.12.1",
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
"vitefu": "^0.2.5",
"which-pm": "^3.0.0",
"xxhash-wasm": "^1.0.2",
"yargs-parser": "^21.1.1",
"zod": "^3.23.8",
"zod-to-json-schema": "^3.23.2",
"zod-to-ts": "^1.2.0"
@ -212,6 +213,7 @@
"@types/micromatch": "^4.0.9",
"@types/prompts": "^2.4.9",
"@types/semver": "^7.5.8",
"@types/yargs-parser": "^21.0.3",
"astro-scripts": "workspace:*",
"cheerio": "1.0.0",
"eol": "^0.9.1",
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export async function check(flags: Flags) {
const logger = createLoggerFromFlags(flags);
const getPackageOpts = {
skipAsk: !!flags.yes || !!flags.y,
cwd: typeof flags.root == 'string' ? flags.root : undefined,
cwd: flags.root,
const checkPackage = await getPackage<typeof import('@astrojs/check')>(
@ -1,25 +1,20 @@
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import type { AstroConfig } from '../../@types/astro.js';
import { resolveConfig } from '../../core/config/config.js';
import { apply as applyPolyfill } from '../../core/polyfill.js';
import { type Flags, createLoggerFromFlags, flagsToAstroInlineConfig } from '../flags.js';
import { createLoggerFromFlags, flagsToAstroInlineConfig } from '../flags.js';
import { getPackage } from '../install-package.js';
interface YargsArguments {
_: Array<string | number>;
'--'?: Array<string | number>;
[argName: string]: any;
type DBPackage = {
cli: (args: { flags: YargsArguments; config: AstroConfig }) => unknown;
cli: (args: { flags: Arguments; config: AstroConfig }) => unknown;
export async function db({ positionals, flags }: { positionals: string[]; flags: Flags }) {
export async function db({ flags }: { flags: Arguments }) {
const logger = createLoggerFromFlags(flags);
const getPackageOpts = {
skipAsk: !!flags.yes || !!flags.y,
cwd: typeof flags.root == 'string' ? flags.root : undefined,
cwd: flags.root,
const dbPackage = await getPackage<DBPackage>('@astrojs/db', logger, getPackageOpts, []);
@ -35,10 +30,5 @@ export async function db({ positionals, flags }: { positionals: string[]; flags:
const inlineConfig = flagsToAstroInlineConfig(flags);
const { astroConfig } = await resolveConfig(inlineConfig, 'build');
const yargsArgs: YargsArguments = {
_: positionals,
await cli({ flags: yargsArgs, config: astroConfig });
await cli({ flags, config: astroConfig });
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import type { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import type { AstroInlineConfig } from '../@types/astro.js';
import { type LogOptions, Logger } from '../core/logger/core.js';
import { nodeLogDestination } from '../core/logger/node.js';
export type ParsedArgsResult = ReturnType<typeof parseArgs>;
export type Flags = ParsedArgsResult['values'];
// Alias for now, but allows easier migration to node's `parseArgs` in the future.
export type Flags = Arguments;
export function flagsToAstroInlineConfig(flags: Flags): AstroInlineConfig {
return {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export function flagsToAstroInlineConfig(flags: Flags): AstroInlineConfig {
base: typeof flags.base === 'string' ? flags.base : undefined,
outDir: typeof flags.outDir === 'string' ? flags.outDir : undefined,
server: {
port: typeof flags.port === 'string' ? Number(flags.port) : undefined,
port: typeof flags.port === 'number' ? flags.port : undefined,
typeof flags.host === 'string' || typeof flags.host === 'boolean' ? flags.host : undefined,
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import * as colors from 'kleur/colors';
import yargs from 'yargs-parser';
import { ASTRO_VERSION } from '../core/constants.js';
import type { ParsedArgsResult } from './flags.js';
type CLICommand =
| 'help'
@ -66,9 +65,9 @@ function printVersion() {
/** Determine which command the user requested */
function resolveCommand(args: ParsedArgsResult): CLICommand {
const cmd = args.positionals[2] as string;
if (args.values.version) return 'version';
function resolveCommand(flags: yargs.Arguments): CLICommand {
const cmd = flags._[2] as string;
if (flags.version) return 'version';
const supportedCommands = new Set([
@ -98,9 +97,7 @@ function resolveCommand(args: ParsedArgsResult): CLICommand {
* NOTE: This function provides no error handling, so be sure
* to present user-friendly error output where the fn is called.
async function runCommand(cmd: string, args: ParsedArgsResult) {
const flags = args.values;
async function runCommand(cmd: string, flags: yargs.Arguments) {
// These commands can run directly without parsing the user config.
switch (cmd) {
case 'help':
@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ async function runCommand(cmd: string, args: ParsedArgsResult) {
// Do not track session start, since the user may be trying to enable,
// disable, or modify telemetry settings.
const { update } = await import('./telemetry/index.js');
const subcommand = args.positionals[3];
const subcommand = flags._[3]?.toString();
await update(subcommand, { flags });
@ -134,7 +131,7 @@ async function runCommand(cmd: string, args: ParsedArgsResult) {
case 'preferences': {
const { preferences } = await import('./preferences/index.js');
const [subcommand, key, value] = args.positionals.slice(3);
const [subcommand, key, value] = flags._.slice(3).map((v) => v.toString());
const exitCode = await preferences(subcommand, key, value, { flags });
return process.exit(exitCode);
@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ async function runCommand(cmd: string, args: ParsedArgsResult) {
switch (cmd) {
case 'add': {
const { add } = await import('./add/index.js');
const packages = args.positionals.slice(3);
const packages = flags._.slice(3) as string[];
await add(packages, { flags });
@ -164,7 +161,7 @@ async function runCommand(cmd: string, args: ParsedArgsResult) {
case 'link':
case 'init': {
const { db } = await import('./db/index.js');
await db({ positionals: args.positionals, flags });
await db({ flags });
case 'dev': {
@ -205,20 +202,10 @@ async function runCommand(cmd: string, args: ParsedArgsResult) {
/** The primary CLI action */
export async function cli(argv: string[]) {
const args = parseArgs({
args: argv,
allowPositionals: true,
strict: false,
options: {
global: { type: 'boolean', short: 'g' },
host: { type: 'string' }, // Can be boolean too, which is covered by `strict: false`
open: { type: 'string' }, // Can be boolean too, which is covered by `strict: false`
// TODO: Add more flags here
const cmd = resolveCommand(args);
const flags = yargs(argv, { boolean: ['global'], alias: { g: 'global' } });
const cmd = resolveCommand(flags);
try {
await runCommand(cmd, args);
await runCommand(cmd, flags);
} catch (err) {
const { throwAndExit } = await import('./throw-and-exit.js');
await throwAndExit(cmd, err);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import os from 'node:os';
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
import { type Task, prompt } from '@astrojs/cli-kit';
import { random } from '@astrojs/cli-kit/utils';
import arg from 'arg';
import getSeasonalData from '../data/seasonal.js';
import { getName, getVersion } from '../messages.js';
@ -33,44 +33,47 @@ export interface Context {
export async function getContext(argv: string[]): Promise<Context> {
const args = parseArgs({
args: argv,
allowPositionals: true,
strict: false,
options: {
template: { type: 'string' },
ref: { type: 'string' },
yes: { type: 'boolean', short: 'y' },
no: { type: 'boolean', short: 'n' },
install: { type: 'boolean' },
'no-install': { type: 'boolean' },
git: { type: 'boolean' },
'no-git': { type: 'boolean' },
typescript: { type: 'string' },
'skip-houston': { type: 'boolean' },
'dry-run': { type: 'boolean' },
help: { type: 'boolean', short: 'h' },
fancy: { type: 'boolean' },
const flags = arg(
'--template': String,
'--ref': String,
'--yes': Boolean,
'--no': Boolean,
'--install': Boolean,
'--no-install': Boolean,
'--git': Boolean,
'--no-git': Boolean,
'--typescript': String,
'--skip-houston': Boolean,
'--dry-run': Boolean,
'--help': Boolean,
'--fancy': Boolean,
'-y': '--yes',
'-n': '--no',
'-h': '--help',
{ argv, permissive: true },
const packageManager = detectPackageManager() ?? 'npm';
const projectName = args.positionals[0];
let cwd = flags['_'][0];
let {
'no-install': noInstall,
'no-git': noGit,
'skip-houston': skipHouston,
'dry-run': dryRun,
} = args.values;
'--help': help = false,
'--template': template,
'--no': no,
'--yes': yes,
'--install': install,
'--no-install': noInstall,
'--git': git,
'--no-git': noGit,
'--typescript': typescript,
'--fancy': fancy,
'--skip-houston': skipHouston,
'--dry-run': dryRun,
'--ref': ref,
} = flags;
let projectName = cwd;
if (no) {
yes = false;
@ -79,26 +82,10 @@ export async function getContext(argv: string[]): Promise<Context> {
if (typescript == undefined) typescript = 'strict';
skipHouston = typeof skipHouston == 'boolean' ? skipHouston : undefined;
skipHouston =
((os.platform() === 'win32' && !fancy) || skipHouston) ??
[yes, no, install, git, typescript].some((v) => v !== undefined);
// We use `strict: false` in `parseArgs` to allow unknown options, but Node also
// simply doesn't guarantee the types anymore, so we need to validate ourselves :(
help = !!help;
template = typeof template == 'string' ? template : undefined;
no = !!no;
yes = !!yes;
install = !!install;
noInstall = !!noInstall;
git = !!git;
noGit = !!noGit;
typescript = typeof typescript == 'string' ? typescript : undefined;
fancy = !!fancy;
dryRun = !!dryRun;
ref = typeof ref == 'string' ? ref : undefined;
const { messages, hats, ties } = getSeasonalData({ fancy });
const context: Context = {
@ -120,7 +107,7 @@ export async function getContext(argv: string[]): Promise<Context> {
install: install ?? (noInstall ? false : undefined),
git: git ?? (noGit ? false : undefined),
cwd: projectName,
exit(code) {
@ -81,11 +81,13 @@
"ora": "^8.0.1",
"prompts": "^2.4.2",
"strip-ansi": "^7.1.0",
"yargs-parser": "^21.1.1",
"zod": "^3.23.8"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/deep-diff": "^1.0.5",
"@types/prompts": "^2.4.9",
"@types/yargs-parser": "^21.0.3",
"astro": "workspace:*",
"astro-scripts": "workspace:*",
"cheerio": "1.0.0",
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { getManagedAppTokenOrExit } from '@astrojs/studio';
import { LibsqlError } from '@libsql/client';
import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import { green } from 'kleur/colors';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import {
@ -15,7 +16,6 @@ import {
} from '../../../integration/vite-plugin-db.js';
import { bundleFile, importBundledFile } from '../../../load-file.js';
import type { DBConfig } from '../../../types.js';
import type { YargsArguments } from '../../types.js';
export async function cmd({
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export async function cmd({
}: {
astroConfig: AstroConfig;
dbConfig: DBConfig;
flags: YargsArguments;
flags: Arguments;
}) {
const filePath = flags._[4];
if (typeof filePath !== 'string') {
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import { cyan } from 'kleur/colors';
import open from 'open';
import ora from 'ora';
import prompt from 'prompts';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import type { DBConfig } from '../../../types.js';
import type { YargsArguments } from '../../types.js';
const isWebContainer =
// Stackblitz heuristic
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export async function cmd({
}: {
astroConfig: AstroConfig;
dbConfig: DBConfig;
flags: YargsArguments;
flags: Arguments;
}) {
let session = flags.session;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { getManagedAppTokenOrExit } from '@astrojs/studio';
import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import prompts from 'prompts';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import { safeFetch } from '../../../../runtime/utils.js';
import { MIGRATION_VERSION } from '../../../consts.js';
import { type DBConfig, type DBSnapshot } from '../../../types.js';
@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ import {
} from '../../migration-queries.js';
import type { YargsArguments } from '../../types.js';
export async function cmd({
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export async function cmd({
}: {
astroConfig: AstroConfig;
dbConfig: DBConfig;
flags: YargsArguments;
flags: Arguments;
}) {
const isDryRun = flags.dryRun;
const isForceReset = flags.forceReset;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { getManagedAppTokenOrExit } from '@astrojs/studio';
import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import { sql } from 'drizzle-orm';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import {
@ -10,7 +11,6 @@ import { DB_PATH } from '../../../consts.js';
import { SHELL_QUERY_MISSING_ERROR } from '../../../errors.js';
import type { DBConfigInput } from '../../../types.js';
import { getAstroEnv, getRemoteDatabaseUrl } from '../../../utils.js';
import type { YargsArguments } from '../../types.js';
export async function cmd({
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export async function cmd({
}: {
dbConfig: DBConfigInput;
astroConfig: AstroConfig;
flags: YargsArguments;
flags: Arguments;
}) {
const query = flags.query;
if (!query) {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { getManagedAppTokenOrExit } from '@astrojs/studio';
import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import type { DBConfig } from '../../../types.js';
import {
@ -8,7 +9,6 @@ import {
} from '../../migration-queries.js';
import type { YargsArguments } from '../../types.js';
export async function cmd({
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export async function cmd({
}: {
astroConfig: AstroConfig;
dbConfig: DBConfig;
flags: YargsArguments;
flags: Arguments;
}) {
const isJson = flags.json;
const appToken = await getManagedAppTokenOrExit(flags.token);
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import type { AstroConfig } from 'astro';
import type { Arguments } from 'yargs-parser';
import { resolveDbConfig } from '../load-file.js';
import { printHelp } from './print-help.js';
import type { YargsArguments } from './types.js';
export async function cli({
config: astroConfig,
}: {
flags: YargsArguments;
flags: Arguments;
config: AstroConfig;
}) {
const args = flags._ as string[];
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
// Copy of `yargs-parser` `Arguments` type. We don't use `yargs-parser`
// in runtime anymore, but our exposed API still relies on this shape.
export interface YargsArguments {
export interface Arguments {
_: Array<string | number>;
'--'?: Array<string | number>;
[argName: string]: any;
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { existsSync } from 'node:fs';
import { mkdir, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { dirname } from 'node:path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
import { type ManagedAppToken, getManagedAppTokenOrExit } from '@astrojs/studio';
import { LibsqlError } from '@libsql/client';
import type { AstroConfig, AstroIntegration } from 'astro';
@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ import {
} from 'vite';
import parseArgs from 'yargs-parser';
import { AstroDbError } from '../../runtime/utils.js';
import { CONFIG_FILE_NAMES, DB_PATH } from '../consts.js';
import { EXEC_DEFAULT_EXPORT_ERROR, EXEC_ERROR } from '../errors.js';
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ function astroDBIntegration(): AstroIntegration {
if (command === 'preview') return;
let dbPlugin: VitePlugin | undefined = undefined;
const args = parseArgs({ strict: false });
connectToStudio = !!process.env.ASTRO_INTERNAL_TEST_REMOTE || !!args.values.remote;
const args = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(3));
connectToStudio = process.env.ASTRO_INTERNAL_TEST_REMOTE || args['remote'];
if (connectToStudio) {
appToken = await getManagedAppTokenOrExit();
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
import { prompt } from '@astrojs/cli-kit';
import arg from 'arg';
import detectPackageManager from 'preferred-pm';
export interface Context {
help: boolean;
prompt: typeof prompt;
version: string;
dryRun: boolean;
dryRun?: boolean;
cwd: URL;
stdin?: typeof process.stdin;
stdout?: typeof process.stdout;
@ -28,20 +28,22 @@ export interface PackageInfo {
export async function getContext(argv: string[]): Promise<Context> {
const args = parseArgs({
args: argv,
allowPositionals: true,
strict: false,
options: {
'dry-run': { type: 'boolean' },
help: { type: 'boolean', short: 'h' },
const flags = arg(
'--dry-run': Boolean,
'--help': Boolean,
'-h': '--help',
{ argv, permissive: true },
const packageManager = (await detectPackageManager(process.cwd()))?.name ?? 'npm';
const version = args.positionals[0] ?? 'latest';
const help = !!args.values.help;
const dryRun = !!args.values['dry-run'];
const {
_: [version = 'latest'] = [],
'--help': help = false,
'--dry-run': dryRun,
} = flags;
return {
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ describe('context', () => {
it('no arguments', async () => {
const ctx = await getContext([]);
assert.equal(ctx.version, 'latest');
assert.equal(ctx.dryRun, false);
assert.equal(ctx.dryRun, undefined);
it('tag', async () => {
const ctx = await getContext(['beta']);
assert.equal(ctx.version, 'beta');
assert.equal(ctx.dryRun, false);
assert.equal(ctx.dryRun, undefined);
it('dry run', async () => {
const ctx = await getContext(['--dry-run']);
@ -744,6 +744,9 @@ importers:
specifier: ^1.0.2
version: 1.0.2
specifier: ^21.1.1
version: 21.1.1
specifier: ^3.23.8
version: 3.23.8
@ -812,6 +815,9 @@ importers:
specifier: ^7.5.8
version: 7.5.8
specifier: ^21.0.3
version: 21.0.3
specifier: workspace:*
version: link:../../scripts
@ -4306,6 +4312,9 @@ importers:
specifier: ^7.1.0
version: 7.1.0
specifier: ^21.1.1
version: 21.1.1
specifier: ^3.23.8
version: 3.23.8
@ -4316,6 +4325,9 @@ importers:
specifier: ^2.4.9
version: 2.4.9
specifier: ^21.0.3
version: 21.0.3
specifier: workspace:*
version: link:../astro
@ -7598,6 +7610,9 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-4YnrRemBShWRO2QjvUin8ESA41rH+9nQGLUGZV/1IDhi3SL9OhdpNC/MrulTWuptXKwhx/aDxE7toV0f/ypIXQ==}
resolution: {integrity: sha512-I4q9QU9MQv4oEOz4tAHJtNz1cwuLxn2F3xcc2iV5WdqLPpUnj30aUuxt1mAxYTG+oe8CZMV/+6rU4S4gRDzqtQ==}
resolution: {integrity: sha512-5g3Y7GDFsJAnY4Yhvk8sZtFfV6YNF2caLzjrRPUBzewjPCaj0yokePB4LJSobyCzGMzjZZYFbwuzbfDHlimXbQ==}
engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
@ -9479,10 +9494,12 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-Aj5cQ5uk/6fHdmeW0TiXK42FqUlwx7ytmMLPSaUQPin5HKKKuUPD62MAbN4OEweGBBI7q1BekoEN4gPUEL6MZA==}
cpu: [x64, arm64, wasm32]
os: [darwin, linux, win32]
resolution: {integrity: sha512-qZlR9Yu1zMBeLChzkE/cKfoKV3Esp9cn9Vx5Zirn4AVhDWPcjYhKwbtJcMuHehgk3mH+fJr9qW+3vesBWbQpBg==}
cpu: [x64, arm64, wasm32]
os: [darwin, linux, win32]
@ -13557,6 +13574,8 @@ snapshots:
'@types/node': 18.19.31
'@types/yargs-parser@21.0.3': {}
'@eslint-community/regexpp': 4.11.0
Add table
Reference in a new issue