2021-05-17 09:29:16 -05:00
2021-07-28 16:34:06 -05:00
"$schema" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/martinring/tmlanguage/master/tmlanguage.json" ,
2021-05-17 09:29:16 -05:00
"information_for_contributors" : [ "This file has been modified from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-markdown-tm-grammar/commit/399ff6f608a7bef3f68713be23cdcb4c6d475804" ] ,
"name" : "Astro Markdown" ,
"scopeName" : "text.html.markdown.astro" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#block"
} ,
"include" : "#astro-expressions"
] ,
"repository" : {
"astro-expressions" : {
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(\\{)" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.raw.markdown"
} ,
"end" : "(\\})" ,
"endCaptures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.raw.markdown"
} ,
"name" : "expression.embbeded.astro" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.tsx"
} ,
"block" : {
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#separator"
} ,
"include" : "#heading"
} ,
"include" : "#blockquote"
} ,
"include" : "#lists"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block"
} ,
"include" : "#link-def"
} ,
"include" : "#html"
} ,
"include" : "#paragraph"
} ,
"include" : "#astro-expressions"
} ,
"blockquote" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)\\s*(>) ?" ,
"captures" : {
"2" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.quote.begin.markdown"
} ,
"name" : "markup.quote.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#block"
] ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)\\s*(>) ?"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_astro" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(astro)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s*)(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.astro" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_css" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(css|css.erb)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
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"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.css" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.css"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_basic" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(html|htm|shtml|xhtml|inc|tmpl|tpl)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.html" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.basic"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_ini" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(ini|conf)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.ini" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.ini"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_java" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(java|bsh)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.java" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.java"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_lua" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(lua)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.lua" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.lua"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_makefile" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(Makefile|makefile|GNUmakefile|OCamlMakefile)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
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"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.makefile" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.makefile"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_perl" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(perl|pl|pm|pod|t|PL|psgi|vcl)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"3" : {
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} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.perl" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.perl"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_r" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(R|r|s|S|Rprofile|\\{\\.r.+?\\})((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"3" : {
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} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.r" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.r"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_ruby" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(ruby|rb|rbx|rjs|Rakefile|rake|cgi|fcgi|gemspec|irbrc|Capfile|ru|prawn|Cheffile|Gemfile|Guardfile|Hobofile|Vagrantfile|Appraisals|Rantfile|Berksfile|Berksfile.lock|Thorfile|Puppetfile)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.ruby" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.ruby"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_php" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(php|php3|php4|php5|phpt|phtml|aw|ctp)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.php" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.basic"
} ,
"include" : "source.php"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_sql" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(sql|ddl|dml)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.sql" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.sql"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_vs_net" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(vb)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.vs_net" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.asp.vb.net"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_xml" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(xml|xsd|tld|jsp|pt|cpt|dtml|rss|opml)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.xml" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.xml"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_xsl" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(xsl|xslt)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.xsl" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.xml.xsl"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_yaml" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(yaml|yml)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.yaml" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.yaml"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_dosbatch" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(bat|batch)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.dosbatch" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.batchfile"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_clojure" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(clj|cljs|clojure)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.clojure" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.clojure"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_coffee" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(coffee|Cakefile|coffee.erb)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.coffee" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.coffee"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_c" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(c|h)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.c" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.c"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_cpp" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(cpp|c\\+\\+|cxx)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
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"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.cpp source.cpp" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.cpp"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_diff" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(patch|diff|rej)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.diff" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.diff"
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"fenced_code_block_dockerfile" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(dockerfile|Dockerfile)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.dockerfile" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.dockerfile"
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"fenced_code_block_git_commit" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(COMMIT_EDITMSG|MERGE_MSG)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
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"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.git-commit"
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"fenced_code_block_git_rebase" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(git-rebase-todo)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
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"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.git-rebase"
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"fenced_code_block_go" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(go|golang)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
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"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.go" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.go"
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"fenced_code_block_groovy" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(groovy|gvy)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
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"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.groovy" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.groovy"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_pug" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(jade|pug)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
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"patterns" : [
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"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
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"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.pug"
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"fenced_code_block_js" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(js|jsx|javascript|es6|mjs|cjs|\\{\\.js.+?\\})((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
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"5" : {
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"fenced_code_block_js_regexp" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(regexp)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
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"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.js.regexp"
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"fenced_code_block_json" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(json|json5|sublime-settings|sublime-menu|sublime-keymap|sublime-mousemap|sublime-theme|sublime-build|sublime-project|sublime-completions)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
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"fenced_code_block_jsonc" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(jsonc)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
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"5" : {
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"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
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"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.json.comments"
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"fenced_code_block_less" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(less)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
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"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.css.less"
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"fenced_code_block_objc" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(objectivec|objective-c|mm|objc|obj-c|m|h)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.objc" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.objc"
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"fenced_code_block_swift" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(swift)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.swift" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.swift"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_scss" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(scss)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
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"5" : {
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"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
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"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.css.scss"
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"fenced_code_block_perl6" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(perl6|p6|pl6|pm6|nqp)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.perl6" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.perl.6"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_powershell" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(powershell|ps1|psm1|psd1)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.powershell" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.powershell"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_python" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(python|py|py3|rpy|pyw|cpy|SConstruct|Sconstruct|sconstruct|SConscript|gyp|gypi|\\{\\.python.+?\\})((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.python" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.python"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_regexp_python" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(re)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
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"5" : {
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.regexp_python" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.regexp.python"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_rust" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(rust|rs|\\{\\.rust.+?\\})((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
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"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.rust" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.rust"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_scala" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(scala|sbt)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.scala" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.scala"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_shell" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(shell|sh|bash|zsh|bashrc|bash_profile|bash_login|profile|bash_logout|.textmate_init|\\{\\.bash.+?\\})((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
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"5" : {
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"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.shellscript" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.shell"
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"fenced_code_block_ts" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(typescript|ts)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
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"5" : {
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"3" : {
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"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.typescript" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.ts"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_tsx" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(tsx)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.typescriptreact" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.tsx"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_csharp" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(cs|csharp|c#)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.csharp" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.cs"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_fsharp" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(fs|fsharp|f#)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.fsharp" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.fsharp"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_dart" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(dart)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.dart" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.dart"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_handlebars" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(handlebars|hbs)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.handlebars" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.handlebars"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_markdown" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(markdown|md)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.markdown"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_log" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(log)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.log" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.log"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_erlang" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(erlang)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.erlang" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.erlang"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_elixir" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?i:(elixir)((\\s+|:|\\{)[^`~]*)?$)" ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown" ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language.attributes.markdown"
} ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(.*)" ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*([`~]{3,})\\s*$)" ,
"contentName" : "meta.embedded.block.elixir" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "source.elixir"
} ,
"fenced_code_block" : {
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_css"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_astro"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_basic"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_ini"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_java"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_lua"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_makefile"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_perl"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_r"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_ruby"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_php"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_sql"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_vs_net"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_xml"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_xsl"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_yaml"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_dosbatch"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_clojure"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_coffee"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_c"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_cpp"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_diff"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_dockerfile"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_git_commit"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_git_rebase"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_go"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_groovy"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_pug"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_js"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_js_regexp"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_json"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_jsonc"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_less"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_objc"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_swift"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_scss"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_perl6"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_powershell"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_python"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_regexp_python"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_rust"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_scala"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_shell"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_ts"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_tsx"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_csharp"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_fsharp"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_dart"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_handlebars"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_markdown"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_log"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_erlang"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_elixir"
} ,
"include" : "#fenced_code_block_unknown"
} ,
"fenced_code_block_unknown" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)(`{3,}|~{3,})\\s*(?=([^`~]*)?$)" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "fenced_code.block.language"
} ,
"end" : "(^|\\G)(\\2|\\s{0,})(\\3)\\s*$" ,
"endCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.markdown"
} ,
"name" : "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown"
} ,
"heading" : {
"match" : "(?:^|\\G)\\s*(#{1,6}\\s+(.*?)(\\s+#{1,6})?\\s*)$" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"patterns" : [
"match" : "(#{6})\\s+(.*?)(?:\\s+(#+))?\\s*$" ,
"name" : "heading.6.markdown" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "entity.name.section.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(#{5})\\s+(.*?)(?:\\s+(#+))?\\s*$" ,
"name" : "heading.5.markdown" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "entity.name.section.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(#{4})\\s+(.*?)(?:\\s+(#+))?\\s*$" ,
"name" : "heading.4.markdown" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "entity.name.section.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(#{3})\\s+(.*?)(?:\\s+(#+))?\\s*$" ,
"name" : "heading.3.markdown" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "entity.name.section.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(#{2})\\s+(.*?)(?:\\s+(#+))?\\s*$" ,
"name" : "heading.2.markdown" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "entity.name.section.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(#{1})\\s+(.*?)(?:\\s+(#+))?\\s*$" ,
"name" : "heading.1.markdown" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "entity.name.section.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"
} ,
"name" : "markup.heading.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"heading-setext" : {
"patterns" : [
"match" : "^(={3,})(?=[ \\t]*$\\n?)" ,
"name" : "markup.heading.setext.1.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "^(-{3,})(?=[ \\t]*$\\n?)" ,
"name" : "markup.heading.setext.2.markdown"
} ,
"html" : {
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)\\s*(<!--)" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.comment.html"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.comment.html"
} ,
"end" : "(-->)" ,
"name" : "comment.block.html"
} ,
"begin" : "(?i)(?=</?[a-zA-Z]+[^\\s/>]*(\\s|$|/?>))" ,
"while" : "(?i)^(?!.*</(\\1||\\2)>)" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"begin" : "(?=(<[a-zA-Z0-9\\-](/?>|\\s.*?>)|</[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]>)\\s*$)" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.astro"
] ,
"while" : "(?i)^(?!.*</(\\1||\\2)>)"
} ,
"link-def" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "constant.other.reference.link.markdown"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "punctuation.separator.key-value.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"6" : {
"name" : "markup.underline.link.markdown"
} ,
"7" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"8" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"9" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"10" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"11" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"12" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"13" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"14" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"15" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"16" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(?x)\n \\s* # Leading whitespace\n (\\[)([^]]+?)(\\])(:) # Reference name\n [ \\t]* # Optional whitespace\n (<?)(\\S+?)(>?) # The url\n [ \\t]* # Optional whitespace\n (?:\n ((\\().+?(\\))) # Match title in parens…\n | ((\").+?(\")) # or in double quotes…\n | ((').+?(')) # or in single quotes.\n )? # Title is optional\n \\s* # Optional whitespace\n $\n" ,
"name" : "meta.link.reference.def.markdown"
} ,
"list_paragraph" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(?=\\S)(?![*+->]\\s|[0-9]+\\.\\s)" ,
"name" : "meta.paragraph.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"include" : "#heading-setext"
] ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?!\\s*$|#|\\s*([-*_>][ ]{2,}){3,}[ \\t]*$\\n?|\\s*[*+->]|\\s*[0-9]+\\.)"
} ,
"lists" : {
"patterns" : [
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)([*+-])([ \\t])" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown"
} ,
"comment" : "Currently does not support un-indented second lines." ,
"name" : "markup.list.unnumbered.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#block"
} ,
"include" : "#list_paragraph"
] ,
"while" : "((^|\\G)([ ]{2,4}|\\t))|(^[ \\t]*$)"
} ,
"begin" : "(^|\\G)(\\s*)([0-9]+\\.)([ \\t])" ,
"beginCaptures" : {
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown"
} ,
"name" : "markup.list.numbered.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#block"
} ,
"include" : "#list_paragraph"
] ,
"while" : "((^|\\G)([ ]{2,4}|\\t))|(^[ \\t]*$)"
} ,
"paragraph" : {
"begin" : "(^|\\G)\\s*(?=\\S)" ,
"name" : "meta.paragraph.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#inline"
} ,
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"include" : "#heading-setext"
] ,
"while" : "(^|\\G)(?=\\s*[-=]{3,}\\s*$)"
} ,
"separator" : {
"match" : "(^|\\G)\\s*([\\*\\-\\_])([ ]{0,2}\\2){2,}[ \\t]*$\\n?" ,
"name" : "meta.separator.markdown"
} ,
"inline" : {
"patterns" : [
"include" : "#ampersand"
} ,
"include" : "#bracket"
} ,
"include" : "#bold"
} ,
"include" : "#italic"
} ,
"include" : "#raw"
} ,
"include" : "#escape"
} ,
"include" : "#image-inline"
} ,
"include" : "#image-ref"
} ,
"include" : "#link-email"
} ,
"include" : "#link-inet"
} ,
"include" : "#link-inline"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref-literal"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref-shortcut"
} ,
"include" : "#astro-expressions"
} ,
"ampersand" : {
"comment" : "Markdown will convert this for us. We match it so that the HTML grammar will not mark it up as invalid." ,
"match" : "&(?!([a-zA-Z0-9]+|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+);)" ,
"name" : "meta.other.valid-ampersand.markdown"
} ,
"bold" : {
"begin" : "(?x) (?<open>(\\*\\*(?=\\w)|(?<!\\w)\\*\\*|(?<!\\w)\\b__))(?=\\S) (?=\n (\n <[^>]*+> # HTML tags\n | (?<raw>`+)([^`]|(?!(?<!`)\\k<raw>(?!`))`)*+\\k<raw>\n # Raw\n | \\\\[\\\\`*_{}\\[\\]()#.!+\\->]?+ # Escapes\n | \\[\n (\n (?<square> # Named group\n [^\\[\\]\\\\] # Match most chars\n | \\\\. # Escaped chars\n | \\[ \\g<square>*+ \\] # Nested brackets\n )*+\n \\]\n (\n ( # Reference Link\n [ ]? # Optional space\n \\[[^\\]]*+\\] # Ref name\n )\n | ( # Inline Link\n \\( # Opening paren\n [ \\t]*+ # Optional whitespace\n <?(.*?)>? # URL\n [ \\t]*+ # Optional whitespace\n ( # Optional Title\n (?<title>['\"])\n (.*?)\n \\k<title>\n )?\n \\)\n )\n )\n )\n | (?!(?<=\\S)\\k<open>). # Everything besides\n # style closer\n )++\n (?<=\\S)(?=__\\b|\\*\\*)\\k<open> # Close\n)\n" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.bold.markdown"
} ,
"end" : "(?<=\\S)(\\1)" ,
"name" : "markup.bold.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"applyEndPatternLast" : 1 ,
"begin" : "(?=<[^>]*?>)" ,
"end" : "(?<=>)" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"include" : "#escape"
} ,
"include" : "#ampersand"
} ,
"include" : "#bracket"
} ,
"include" : "#raw"
} ,
"include" : "#bold"
} ,
"include" : "#italic"
} ,
"include" : "#image-inline"
} ,
"include" : "#link-inline"
} ,
"include" : "#link-inet"
} ,
"include" : "#link-email"
} ,
"include" : "#image-ref"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref-literal"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref-shortcut"
} ,
"bracket" : {
"comment" : "Markdown will convert this for us. We match it so that the HTML grammar will not mark it up as invalid." ,
"match" : "<(?![a-zA-Z/?\\$!])" ,
"name" : "meta.other.valid-bracket.markdown"
} ,
"escape" : {
"match" : "\\\\[-`*_#+.!(){}\\[\\]\\\\>]" ,
"name" : "constant.character.escape.markdown"
} ,
"image-inline" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown"
} ,
"6" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"7" : {
"name" : "markup.underline.link.image.markdown"
} ,
"8" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"9" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"10" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.markdown"
} ,
"11" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.markdown"
} ,
"12" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"13" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.markdown"
} ,
"14" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.markdown"
} ,
"15" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"16" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.markdown"
} ,
"17" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.markdown"
} ,
"18" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(?x)\n (\\!\\[)((?<square>[^\\[\\]\\\\]|\\\\.|\\[\\g<square>*+\\])*+)(\\])\n # Match the link text.\n (\\() # Opening paren for url\n (<?)(\\S+?)(>?) # The url\n [ \\t]* # Optional whitespace\n (?:\n ((\\().+?(\\))) # Match title in parens…\n | ((\").+?(\")) # or in double quotes…\n | ((').+?(')) # or in single quotes.\n )? # Title is optional\n \\s* # Optional whitespace\n (\\))\n" ,
"name" : "meta.image.inline.markdown"
} ,
"image-ref" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.markdown"
} ,
"6" : {
"name" : "constant.other.reference.link.markdown"
} ,
"7" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(\\!\\[)((?<square>[^\\[\\]\\\\]|\\\\.|\\[\\g<square>*+\\])*+)(\\])[ ]?(\\[)(.*?)(\\])" ,
"name" : "meta.image.reference.markdown"
} ,
"italic" : {
"begin" : "(?x) (?<open>(\\*(?=\\w)|(?<!\\w)\\*|(?<!\\w)\\b_))(?=\\S) # Open\n (?=\n (\n <[^>]*+> # HTML tags\n | (?<raw>`+)([^`]|(?!(?<!`)\\k<raw>(?!`))`)*+\\k<raw>\n # Raw\n | \\\\[\\\\`*_{}\\[\\]()#.!+\\->]?+ # Escapes\n | \\[\n (\n (?<square> # Named group\n [^\\[\\]\\\\] # Match most chars\n | \\\\. # Escaped chars\n | \\[ \\g<square>*+ \\] # Nested brackets\n )*+\n \\]\n (\n ( # Reference Link\n [ ]? # Optional space\n \\[[^\\]]*+\\] # Ref name\n )\n | ( # Inline Link\n \\( # Opening paren\n [ \\t]*+ # Optional whtiespace\n <?(.*?)>? # URL\n [ \\t]*+ # Optional whtiespace\n ( # Optional Title\n (?<title>['\"])\n (.*?)\n \\k<title>\n )?\n \\)\n )\n )\n )\n | \\k<open>\\k<open> # Must be bold closer\n | (?!(?<=\\S)\\k<open>). # Everything besides\n # style closer\n )++\n (?<=\\S)(?=_\\b|\\*)\\k<open> # Close\n )\n" ,
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.italic.markdown"
} ,
"end" : "(?<=\\S)(\\1)((?!\\1)|(?=\\1\\1))" ,
"name" : "markup.italic.markdown" ,
"patterns" : [
"applyEndPatternLast" : 1 ,
"begin" : "(?=<[^>]*?>)" ,
"end" : "(?<=>)" ,
"patterns" : [
"include" : "text.html.astro"
} ,
"include" : "#escape"
} ,
"include" : "#ampersand"
} ,
"include" : "#bracket"
} ,
"include" : "#raw"
} ,
"include" : "#bold"
} ,
"include" : "#image-inline"
} ,
"include" : "#link-inline"
} ,
"include" : "#link-inet"
} ,
"include" : "#link-email"
} ,
"include" : "#image-ref"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref-literal"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref"
} ,
"include" : "#link-ref-shortcut"
} ,
"link-email" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "markup.underline.link.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(<)((?:mailto:)?[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*)(>)" ,
"name" : "meta.link.email.lt-gt.markdown"
} ,
"link-inet" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "markup.underline.link.markdown"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(<)((?:https?|ftp)://.*?)(>)" ,
"name" : "meta.link.inet.markdown"
} ,
"link-inline" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.title.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown"
} ,
"6" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"7" : {
"name" : "markup.underline.link.markdown"
} ,
"9" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.link.markdown"
} ,
"10" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"11" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"12" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"13" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"14" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"15" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"16" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.description.title.markdown"
} ,
"17" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"18" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"19" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.metadata.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(?x)\n (\\[)((?<square>[^\\[\\]\\\\]|\\\\.|\\[\\g<square>*+\\])*+)(\\])\n # Match the link text.\n (\\() # Opening paren for url\n (<?)((?<url>(?>[^\\s()]+)|\\(\\g<url>*\\))*)(>?) # The url\n [ \\t]* # Optional whitespace\n (?:\n ((\\().+?(\\))) # Match title in parens…\n | ((\").+?(\")) # or in double quotes…\n | ((').+?(')) # or in single quotes.\n )? # Title is optional\n \\s* # Optional whitespace\n (\\))\n" ,
"name" : "meta.link.inline.markdown"
} ,
"link-ref" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.title.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown"
} ,
"6" : {
"name" : "constant.other.reference.link.markdown"
} ,
"7" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(\\[)((?<square>[^\\[\\]\\\\]|\\\\.|\\[\\g<square>*+\\])*+)(\\])(\\[)([^\\]]*+)(\\])" ,
"name" : "meta.link.reference.markdown"
} ,
"link-ref-literal" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.title.markdown"
} ,
"4" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"5" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.begin.markdown"
} ,
"6" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.constant.end.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(\\[)((?<square>[^\\[\\]\\\\]|\\\\.|\\[\\g<square>*+\\])*+)(\\])[ ]?(\\[)(\\])" ,
"name" : "meta.link.reference.literal.markdown"
} ,
"link-ref-shortcut" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown"
} ,
"2" : {
"name" : "string.other.link.title.markdown"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(\\[)(\\S+?)(\\])" ,
"name" : "meta.link.reference.markdown"
} ,
"raw" : {
"captures" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.raw.markdown"
} ,
"3" : {
"name" : "punctuation.definition.raw.markdown"
} ,
"match" : "(`+)([^`]|(?!(?<!`)\\1(?!`))`)*+(\\1)" ,
"name" : "markup.inline.raw.string.markdown"