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import { createComponent, renderToString, ssr } from 'solid-js/web';
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import { getContext, incrementId } from './context.js';
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import type { RendererContext } from './types';
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const slotName = (str: string) => str.trim().replace(/[-_]([a-z])/g, (_, w) => w.toUpperCase());
function check(this: RendererContext, Component: any, props: Record<string, any>, children: any) {
if (typeof Component !== 'function') return false;
const { html } = renderToStaticMarkup.call(this, Component, props, children);
return typeof html === 'string';
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function renderToStaticMarkup(
this: RendererContext,
Component: any,
props: Record<string, any>,
{ default: children, ...slotted }: any,
metadata?: undefined | Record<string, any>
) {
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const renderId = metadata?.hydrate ? incrementId(getContext(this.result)) : '';
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const needsHydrate = metadata?.astroStaticSlot ? !!metadata.hydrate : true;
const tagName = needsHydrate ? 'astro-slot' : 'astro-static-slot';
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const html = renderToString(
() => {
const slots: Record<string, any> = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(slotted)) {
const name = slotName(key);
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slots[name] = ssr(`<${tagName} name="${name}">${value}</${tagName}>`);
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// Note: create newProps to avoid mutating `props` before they are serialized
const newProps = {
// In Solid SSR mode, `ssr` creates the expected structure for `children`.
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children: children != null ? ssr(`<${tagName}>${children}</${tagName}>`) : children,
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return createComponent(Component, newProps);
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return {
attrs: {
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'data-solid-render-id': renderId,
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export default {
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supportsAstroStaticSlot: true,
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