By default, Astro outputs zero client-side JS. If you'd like to include an interactive component in the client output, you may use any of the following techniques.
Frontend state management depends on your framework of choice. Below is a list of popular frontend state management libraries, and their current support with Astro.
Our goal is to support all popular state management libraries, as long as there is no technical reason that we cannot.
- **React/Preact**
- [ ]**Redux: Partial Support** (Note: You can access a Redux store directly, but full `react-redux` support requires the ability to set a custom `<Provider>` wrapper to every component island. Planned.)
- [x]**Recoil: Full Support**
- **Svelte**
- [x]**Svelte Stores: Full Support**
- **Vue:**
- [ ]**Vuex: Partial Support** (Note: You can access a vuex store directly, but full `vuex` support requires the ability to set a custom `vue.use(store)` call to every component island. Planned.)
*Are we missing your favorite state management library? Add it to the list above in a PR (or create an issue)!*
If you’ve used [Svelte][svelte]’s styles before, Astro works almost the same way. In any `.astro` file, start writing styles in a `<style>` tag like so:
We also automatically add browser prefixes using [Autoprefixer][autoprefixer]. By default, Astro loads the default values, but you may also specify your own by placing a [Browserslist][browserslist] file in your project root.
First, decide on a URL schema. For our example, perhaps you want all your paginated posts at `/posts/1`, `/posts/2`, etc. But in addition, you also wanted `/tag/[tag]` and `/year/[year]` collections where posts are filtered by tag or year.
// return data here to load (we’ll cover how later)
These are important so your data is exposed to the page as a prop, and also Astro has everything it needs to gather your data and generate the proper routes. How it does this is more clear if we walk through a practical example.
##### Example 1: Simple pagination
Assume we have Markdown files that have `title`, `tag`, and `date` in their frontmatter, like so:
It’s important to know that these could be anything! There’s no restrictions around what can go in your frontmatter, but these will explain values we see later. Assume nothing is “special“ or reserved; we named everything.
- The paginated blog posts live at `/posts/1` for page 1, `/posts/2` for page 2, etc.
- We also want to add `/tag/[tag]/1` for tagged posts, page 1, or `/year/[year]/1` for posts by year. We’ll add these at the end.
Let’s start with paginated posts. Since we want `/posts/` to be the root, we’ll create a file at `/astro/pages/$posts.astro` (the `$` indicates that this is a multi-route page):
// /astro/pages/$posts.astro
import Pagination from '../components/Pagination.astro';
import PostPreview from '../components/PostPreview.astro';
export let collection: any;
export async function createCollection() {
const allPosts = import.meta.fetchContent('./post/*.md'); // load data that already lives at `/post/[slug]`
allPosts.sort((a, b) => new Date( - new Date(; // sort newest -> oldest (we got "date" from frontmatter!)
// (load more data here, if needed)
return {
async data() {
return allPosts;
pageSize: 10, // how many we want to show per-page (default: 25)
-`export let collection`: this is important because it exposes a prop to the page for Astro to return with all your data loaded. ⚠️ **It must be named `collection`**.
-`export async function createCollection()`: this is also required, **and must be named this exactly.** This is an async function that lets you load data from anywhere (even a remote API!). At the end, you must return an object with `{ data: yourData }`. There are other options such as `pageSize` we’ll cover later.
-`{ => (…`: this lets us iterate over all the markdown posts. This will take the shape of whatever you loaded in `createCollection()`. It will always be an array.
-`{}`: this, and other properties, simply return more info such as what page a user is on, what the URL is, etc. etc.
It should be noted that the above example shows `<PostPreview />` and `<Pagination />` components. Pretend those are custom components that you made to display the post data, and the pagination navigation. There’s nothing special about them; only consider those examples of how you’d use collection data to display everything the way you’d like.
##### Example 2: Advanced filtering & pagination
In our earlier example, we covered simple pagination for `/posts/1`, but we’d still like to make `/tag/[tag]/1` and `/year/[year]/1`. To do that, we’ll create 2 more collections: `/astro/pages/$tag.astro` and `astro/pages/$year.astro`. Assume that the markup is the same, but we’ve expanded the `createCollection()` function with more data.
// /astro/pages/$tag.astro
import Pagination from '../components/Pagination.astro';
import PostPreview from '../components/PostPreview.astro';
allPosts.sort((a, b) => new Date( - new Date(;
+ const allTags = [ Set( => post.tags).flat())]; // gather all unique tags (we got "tag" from frontmatter!)
+ allTags.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); // sort tags A -> Z
+ const routes = => ({ tag })); // this is where we set { params: { tag } }
return {
- async data() {
- return allPosts;
+ async data({ params }) {
+ return allPosts.filter((post) => post.tag === params.tag); // filter post by "date" frontmatter, from params (we get `{ params }` from the routes array above)
pageSize: 10,
+ routes,
+ permalink: ({ params }) => `/tag/${params.tag}/` // important! the root must match (/tag/[tag] -> $tag.astro)
-`routes = => ({ tag }))`: Astro handles pagination for you automatically. But when it needs to generate multiple routes, this is where you tell Astro about all the possible routes. This way, when you run `astro build`, your static build isn’t missing any pages.
-`permalink: ({ params }) => `/tag/${params.tag}/`: this is where you tell Astro what the generated URL should be. Note that while you have control over this, the root of this must match the filename (it’s best **NOT** to use `/pages/$tag.astro`to generate`/year/$year.astro`; that should live at `/pages/$year.astro` as a separate file).
-`allPosts.filter((post) => post.tag === params.tag)`: we aren’t returning all posts here; we’re only returning posts with a matching tag. _What tag,_ you ask? The `routes` array has `[{ tag: 'javascript' }, { tag: '…`, and all the routes we need to gather. So we first need to query everything, but only return the `.filter()`ed posts at the very end.
Other things of note is that we are sorting like before, but we filter by the frontmatter `tag` property, and return those at URLs.
These are still paginated, too! But since there are other conditions applied, they live at a different URL.
Lastly, what about `/year/*`? Well hopefully you can figure that out from here. It follows the exact same pattern, except using `` frontmatter. You’ll grab the year from that date string, and sort probably newest to oldest rather than alphabetical. You’ll also change `params.tag` to `params.year` (or whatever you name it), but otherwise most everything else should be the same.
##### Tips
- Having to load different collections in different `$[collection].astro` files might seem like a pain at first, until you remember **you can create reusable components!** Treat `/pages/*.astro` files as your one-off routing & data fetching logic, and treat `/components/*.astro` as your reusable markup. If you find yourself duplicating things too much, you can probably use a component instead!
- Stay true to `/pages/$[collection].astro` naming. If you have an `/all-posts/*` route, then use `/pages/$all-posts.astro` to manage that. Don’t try and trick `permalink` to generate too many URL trees; it’ll only result in pages being missed when it comes time to build.
- Need to load local markdown? Try `import.meta.fetchContent('./data/*.md')`
- Need to load remote data? Simply `fetch()` to make it happen!