2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
import React from 'react';
2022-03-31 11:51:29 -05:00
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/server';
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
import StaticHtml from './static-html.js';
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
import { incrementId } from './context.js';
2023-08-16 12:40:57 -05:00
import opts from 'astro:react:opts';
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
2022-06-23 10:12:46 -05:00
const slotName = (str) => str.trim().replace(/[-_]([a-z])/g, (_, w) => w.toUpperCase());
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
const reactTypeof = Symbol.for('react.element');
function errorIsComingFromPreactComponent(err) {
return (
err.message &&
(err.message.startsWith("Cannot read property '__H'") ||
err.message.includes("(reading '__H')"))
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
async function check(Component, props, children) {
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
// Note: there are packages that do some unholy things to create "components".
// Checking the $$typeof property catches most of these patterns.
if (typeof Component === 'object') {
2023-07-03 07:59:43 -05:00
return Component['$$typeof'].toString().slice('Symbol('.length).startsWith('react');
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
if (typeof Component !== 'function') return false;
2023-12-20 14:00:58 -05:00
if (Component.name === 'QwikComponent') return false;
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
2023-12-18 08:41:44 -05:00
// Preact forwarded-ref components can be functions, which React does not support
2023-12-18 08:42:49 -05:00
if (typeof Component === 'function' && Component['$$typeof'] === Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'))
return false;
2023-12-18 08:41:44 -05:00
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
if (Component.prototype != null && typeof Component.prototype.render === 'function') {
return React.Component.isPrototypeOf(Component) || React.PureComponent.isPrototypeOf(Component);
let error = null;
let isReactComponent = false;
function Tester(...args) {
try {
const vnode = Component(...args);
if (vnode && vnode['$$typeof'] === reactTypeof) {
isReactComponent = true;
} catch (err) {
if (!errorIsComingFromPreactComponent(err)) {
error = err;
return React.createElement('div');
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
await renderToStaticMarkup(Tester, props, children, {});
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
if (error) {
throw error;
return isReactComponent;
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
async function getNodeWritable() {
2023-11-16 08:47:46 -05:00
let nodeStreamBuiltinModuleName = 'node:stream';
2022-08-30 02:25:34 -05:00
let { Writable } = await import(/* @vite-ignore */ nodeStreamBuiltinModuleName);
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
return Writable;
2023-05-17 09:18:04 -05:00
function needsHydration(metadata) {
// Adjust how this is hydrated only when the version of Astro supports `astroStaticSlot`
return metadata.astroStaticSlot ? !!metadata.hydrate : true;
2022-06-23 10:10:54 -05:00
async function renderToStaticMarkup(Component, props, { default: children, ...slotted }, metadata) {
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
let prefix;
if (this && this.result) {
2023-05-04 09:25:03 -05:00
prefix = incrementId(this.result);
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
const attrs = { prefix };
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
delete props['class'];
2022-06-23 10:10:54 -05:00
const slots = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(slotted)) {
const name = slotName(key);
2023-05-17 09:18:04 -05:00
slots[name] = React.createElement(StaticHtml, {
hydrate: needsHydration(metadata),
2023-05-17 09:20:24 -05:00
2023-05-17 09:18:04 -05:00
2022-06-23 10:10:54 -05:00
// Note: create newProps to avoid mutating `props` before they are serialized
2022-06-23 10:12:46 -05:00
const newProps = {
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
2022-06-23 10:10:54 -05:00
2022-06-23 10:12:46 -05:00
2023-01-25 17:31:57 -05:00
const newChildren = children ?? props.children;
2023-08-16 12:40:57 -05:00
if (children && opts.experimentalReactChildren) {
2023-10-24 07:05:19 -05:00
attrs['data-react-children'] = true;
2023-08-16 12:44:01 -05:00
const convert = await import('./vnode-children.js').then((mod) => mod.default);
2023-08-16 12:40:57 -05:00
newProps.children = convert(children);
} else if (newChildren != null) {
2023-05-17 09:18:04 -05:00
newProps.children = React.createElement(StaticHtml, {
hydrate: needsHydration(metadata),
2023-05-17 09:20:24 -05:00
value: newChildren,
2023-05-17 09:18:04 -05:00
2022-09-14 14:42:38 -05:00
2022-06-23 10:10:54 -05:00
const vnode = React.createElement(Component, newProps);
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
const renderOptions = {
2023-05-04 09:25:03 -05:00
identifierPrefix: prefix,
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
let html;
2023-07-03 07:59:43 -05:00
if (metadata?.hydrate) {
2022-04-21 11:11:09 -05:00
if ('renderToReadableStream' in ReactDOM) {
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
html = await renderToReadableStreamAsync(vnode, renderOptions);
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
} else {
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
html = await renderToPipeableStreamAsync(vnode, renderOptions);
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
} else {
2022-04-21 11:11:09 -05:00
if ('renderToReadableStream' in ReactDOM) {
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
html = await renderToReadableStreamAsync(vnode, renderOptions);
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
} else {
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
html = await renderToStaticNodeStreamAsync(vnode, renderOptions);
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
return { html, attrs };
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
async function renderToPipeableStreamAsync(vnode, options) {
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
const Writable = await getNodeWritable();
let html = '';
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let error = undefined;
let stream = ReactDOM.renderToPipeableStream(vnode, {
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
onError(err) {
error = err;
onAllReady() {
2022-04-21 11:11:09 -05:00
new Writable({
write(chunk, _encoding, callback) {
html += chunk.toString('utf-8');
destroy() {
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
async function renderToStaticNodeStreamAsync(vnode, options) {
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
const Writable = await getNodeWritable();
let html = '';
2022-09-20 08:38:17 -05:00
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
let stream = ReactDOM.renderToStaticNodeStream(vnode, options);
2022-09-20 08:40:04 -05:00
stream.on('error', (err) => {
2022-09-20 08:38:17 -05:00
2022-04-21 11:11:09 -05:00
new Writable({
write(chunk, _encoding, callback) {
html += chunk.toString('utf-8');
destroy() {
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
2022-09-07 18:41:37 -05:00
* Use a while loop instead of "for await" due to cloudflare and Vercel Edge issues
* See https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/24169
async function readResult(stream) {
2022-09-08 11:32:36 -05:00
const reader = stream.getReader();
let result = '';
const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
while (true) {
2022-09-08 11:30:49 -05:00
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
2022-09-08 11:32:36 -05:00
if (value) {
2022-09-08 11:30:49 -05:00
result += decoder.decode(value);
} else {
// This closes the decoder
decoder.decode(new Uint8Array());
2022-09-08 11:32:36 -05:00
2022-09-08 11:30:49 -05:00
return result;
2022-09-08 11:32:36 -05:00
result += decoder.decode(value, { stream: true });
2022-09-07 18:41:37 -05:00
2023-05-04 09:23:00 -05:00
async function renderToReadableStreamAsync(vnode, options) {
return await readResult(await ReactDOM.renderToReadableStream(vnode, options));
2022-04-21 11:10:06 -05:00
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00
export default {
2023-05-17 09:18:04 -05:00
supportsAstroStaticSlot: true,
2022-03-18 17:35:45 -05:00