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package model
import (
// Policy 存储策略
type Policy struct {
// 表字段
Name string
Type string
Server string
BucketName string
IsPrivate bool
BaseURL string
AccessKey string `gorm:"type:text"`
SecretKey string `gorm:"type:text"`
MaxSize uint64
AutoRename bool
DirNameRule string
FileNameRule string
IsOriginLinkEnable bool
Options string `gorm:"type:text"`
// 数据库忽略字段
OptionsSerialized PolicyOption `gorm:"-"`
MasterID string `gorm:"-"`
// PolicyOption 非公有的存储策略属性
type PolicyOption struct {
// Upyun访问Token
Token string `json:"token"`
// 允许的文件扩展名
FileType []string `json:"file_type"`
// MimeType
MimeType string `json:"mimetype"`
// OdRedirect Onedrive 重定向地址
OdRedirect string `json:"od_redirect,omitempty"`
// OdProxy Onedrive 反代地址
OdProxy string `json:"od_proxy,omitempty"`
// OdDriver OneDrive 驱动器定位符
OdDriver string `json:"od_driver,omitempty"`
// Region 区域代码
Region string `json:"region,omitempty"`
// ServerSideEndpoint 服务端请求使用的 Endpoint为空时使用 Policy.Server 字段
ServerSideEndpoint string `json:"server_side_endpoint,omitempty"`
// 分片上传的分片大小
ChunkSize uint64 `json:"chunk_size,omitempty"`
// 分片上传时是否需要预留空间
PlaceholderWithSize bool `json:"placeholder_with_size,omitempty"`
// 每秒对存储端的 API 请求上限
TPSLimit float64 `json:"tps_limit,omitempty"`
// 每秒 API 请求爆发上限
TPSLimitBurst int `json:"tps_limit_burst,omitempty"`
// thumbSuffix 支持缩略图处理的文件扩展名
var thumbSuffix = map[string][]string{
"local": {},
"qiniu": {".psd", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".webp", ".tiff", ".bmp"},
"oss": {".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".webp", ".tiff", ".bmp"},
"cos": {".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".webp", ".tiff", ".bmp"},
"upyun": {".svg", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".webp", ".tiff", ".bmp"},
"s3": {},
"remote": {},
"onedrive": {"*"},
func init() {
// 注册缓存用到的复杂结构
// GetPolicyByID 用ID获取存储策略
func GetPolicyByID(ID interface{}) (Policy, error) {
// 尝试读取缓存
cacheKey := "policy_" + strconv.Itoa(int(ID.(uint)))
if policy, ok := cache.Get(cacheKey); ok {
return policy.(Policy), nil
var policy Policy
result := DB.First(&policy, ID)
// 写入缓存
if result.Error == nil {
_ = cache.Set(cacheKey, policy, -1)
return policy, result.Error
// AfterFind 找到存储策略后的钩子
func (policy *Policy) AfterFind() (err error) {
// 解析存储策略设置到OptionsSerialized
if policy.Options != "" {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(policy.Options), &policy.OptionsSerialized)
if policy.OptionsSerialized.FileType == nil {
policy.OptionsSerialized.FileType = []string{}
return err
// BeforeSave Save策略前的钩子
func (policy *Policy) BeforeSave() (err error) {
err = policy.SerializeOptions()
return err
//SerializeOptions 将序列后的Option写入到数据库字段
func (policy *Policy) SerializeOptions() (err error) {
optionsValue, err := json.Marshal(&policy.OptionsSerialized)
policy.Options = string(optionsValue)
return err
// GeneratePath 生成存储文件的路径
func (policy *Policy) GeneratePath(uid uint, origin string) string {
dirRule := policy.DirNameRule
replaceTable := map[string]string{
"{randomkey16}": util.RandStringRunes(16),
"{randomkey8}": util.RandStringRunes(8),
"{timestamp}": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10),
"{timestamp_nano}": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10),
"{uid}": strconv.Itoa(int(uid)),
"{datetime}": time.Now().Format("20060102150405"),
"{date}": time.Now().Format("20060102"),
"{year}": time.Now().Format("2006"),
"{month}": time.Now().Format("01"),
"{day}": time.Now().Format("02"),
"{hour}": time.Now().Format("15"),
"{minute}": time.Now().Format("04"),
"{second}": time.Now().Format("05"),
"{path}": origin + "/",
dirRule = util.Replace(replaceTable, dirRule)
return path.Clean(dirRule)
// GenerateFileName 生成存储文件名
func (policy *Policy) GenerateFileName(uid uint, origin string) string {
// 未开启自动重命名时,直接返回原始文件名
if !policy.AutoRename {
return origin
fileRule := policy.FileNameRule
replaceTable := map[string]string{
"{randomkey16}": util.RandStringRunes(16),
"{randomkey8}": util.RandStringRunes(8),
"{timestamp}": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10),
"{timestamp_nano}": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10),
"{uid}": strconv.Itoa(int(uid)),
"{datetime}": time.Now().Format("20060102150405"),
"{date}": time.Now().Format("20060102"),
"{year}": time.Now().Format("2006"),
"{month}": time.Now().Format("01"),
"{day}": time.Now().Format("02"),
"{hour}": time.Now().Format("15"),
"{minute}": time.Now().Format("04"),
"{second}": time.Now().Format("05"),
"{originname}": origin,
"{ext}": filepath.Ext(origin),
"{uuid}": uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4()).String(),
fileRule = util.Replace(replaceTable, fileRule)
return fileRule
// IsDirectlyPreview 返回此策略下文件是否可以直接预览(不需要重定向)
func (policy *Policy) IsDirectlyPreview() bool {
return policy.Type == "local"
// IsThumbExist 给定文件名,返回此存储策略下是否可能存在缩略图
func (policy *Policy) IsThumbExist(name string) bool {
if list, ok := thumbSuffix[policy.Type]; ok {
if len(list) == 1 && list[0] == "*" {
return true
return util.ContainsString(list, strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(name)))
return false
// IsTransitUpload 返回此策略上传给定size文件时是否需要服务端中转
func (policy *Policy) IsTransitUpload(size uint64) bool {
return policy.Type == "local"
// IsThumbGenerateNeeded 返回此策略是否需要在上传后生成缩略图
func (policy *Policy) IsThumbGenerateNeeded() bool {
return policy.Type == "local"
// IsUploadPlaceholderWithSize 返回此策略创建上传会话时是否需要预留空间
func (policy *Policy) IsUploadPlaceholderWithSize() bool {
if policy.Type == "remote" {
return true
if util.ContainsString([]string{"onedrive", "oss", "qiniu", "cos", "s3"}, policy.Type) {
return policy.OptionsSerialized.PlaceholderWithSize
return false
// CanStructureBeListed 返回存储策略是否能被前台列物理目录
func (policy *Policy) CanStructureBeListed() bool {
return policy.Type != "local" && policy.Type != "remote"
// SaveAndClearCache 更新并清理缓存
func (policy *Policy) SaveAndClearCache() error {
err := DB.Save(policy).Error
return err
// SaveAndClearCache 更新并清理缓存
func (policy *Policy) UpdateAccessKeyAndClearCache(s string) error {
err := DB.Model(policy).UpdateColumn("access_key", s).Error
return err
// ClearCache 清空policy缓存
func (policy *Policy) ClearCache() {
cache.Deletes([]string{strconv.FormatUint(uint64(policy.ID), 10)}, "policy_")