2023-07-18 15:25:43 +08:00

530 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package webdav
import (
model ""
type FileDeadProps struct {
// 实现 webdav.DeadPropsHolder 接口不能在models.file里面定义
func (file *FileDeadProps) DeadProps() (map[xml.Name]Property, error) {
return map[xml.Name]Property{
xml.Name{Space: "", Local: "checksums"}: {
XMLName: xml.Name{
Space: "", Local: "checksums",
InnerXML: []byte("<checksum>" + file.MetadataSerialized[model.ChecksumMetadataKey] + "</checksum>"),
}, nil
func (file *FileDeadProps) Patch(proppatches []Proppatch) ([]Propstat, error) {
var (
stat Propstat
err error
stat.Status = http.StatusOK
for _, patch := range proppatches {
for _, prop := range patch.Props {
stat.Props = append(stat.Props, Property{XMLName: prop.XMLName})
if prop.XMLName.Space == "DAV:" && prop.XMLName.Local == "lastmodified" {
var modtimeUnix int64
modtimeUnix, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(prop.InnerXML), 10, 64)
if err == nil {
err = model.DB.Model(file.File).UpdateColumn("updated_at", time.Unix(modtimeUnix, 0)).Error
return []Propstat{stat}, err
type FolderDeadProps struct {
func (folder *FolderDeadProps) DeadProps() (map[xml.Name]Property, error) {
return nil, nil
func (folder *FolderDeadProps) Patch(proppatches []Proppatch) ([]Propstat, error) {
var (
stat Propstat
err error
stat.Status = http.StatusOK
for _, patch := range proppatches {
for _, prop := range patch.Props {
stat.Props = append(stat.Props, Property{XMLName: prop.XMLName})
if prop.XMLName.Space == "DAV:" && prop.XMLName.Local == "lastmodified" {
var modtimeUnix int64
modtimeUnix, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(prop.InnerXML), 10, 64)
if err == nil {
err = model.DB.Model(folder.Folder).UpdateColumn("updated_at", time.Unix(modtimeUnix, 0)).Error
return []Propstat{stat}, err
type FileInfo interface {
GetSize() uint64
GetName() string
ModTime() time.Time
IsDir() bool
GetPosition() string
// Proppatch describes a property update instruction as defined in RFC 4918.
// See
type Proppatch struct {
// Remove specifies whether this patch removes properties. If it does not
// remove them, it sets them.
Remove bool
// Props contains the properties to be set or removed.
Props []Property
// Propstat describes a XML propstat element as defined in RFC 4918.
// See
type Propstat struct {
// Props contains the properties for which Status applies.
Props []Property
// Status defines the HTTP status code of the properties in Prop.
// Allowed values include, but are not limited to the WebDAV status
// code extensions for HTTP/1.1.
Status int
// XMLError contains the XML representation of the optional error element.
// XML content within this field must not rely on any predefined
// namespace declarations or prefixes. If empty, the XML error element
// is omitted.
XMLError string
// ResponseDescription contains the contents of the optional
// responsedescription field. If empty, the XML element is omitted.
ResponseDescription string
// makePropstats returns a slice containing those of x and y whose Props slice
// is non-empty. If both are empty, it returns a slice containing an otherwise
// zero Propstat whose HTTP status code is 200 OK.
func makePropstats(x, y Propstat) []Propstat {
pstats := make([]Propstat, 0, 2)
if len(x.Props) != 0 {
pstats = append(pstats, x)
if len(y.Props) != 0 {
pstats = append(pstats, y)
if len(pstats) == 0 {
pstats = append(pstats, Propstat{
Status: http.StatusOK,
return pstats
// DeadPropsHolder holds the dead properties of a resource.
// Dead properties are those properties that are explicitly defined. In
// comparison, live properties, such as DAV:getcontentlength, are implicitly
// defined by the underlying resource, and cannot be explicitly overridden or
// removed. See the Terminology section of
// There is a whitelist of the names of live properties. This package handles
// all live properties, and will only pass non-whitelisted names to the Patch
// method of DeadPropsHolder implementations.
type DeadPropsHolder interface {
// DeadProps returns a copy of the dead properties held.
DeadProps() (map[xml.Name]Property, error)
// Patch patches the dead properties held.
// Patching is atomic; either all or no patches succeed. It returns (nil,
// non-nil) if an internal server error occurred, otherwise the Propstats
// collectively contain one Property for each proposed patch Property. If
// all patches succeed, Patch returns a slice of length one and a Propstat
// element with a 200 OK HTTP status code. If none succeed, for reasons
// other than an internal server error, no Propstat has status 200 OK.
// For more details on when various HTTP status codes apply, see
Patch([]Proppatch) ([]Propstat, error)
// liveProps contains all supported, protected DAV: properties.
var liveProps = map[xml.Name]struct {
// findFn implements the propfind function of this property. If nil,
// it indicates a hidden property.
findFn func(context.Context, *filesystem.FileSystem, LockSystem, string, FileInfo) (string, error)
// dir is true if the property applies to directories.
dir bool
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "resourcetype"}: {
findFn: findResourceType,
dir: true,
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "displayname"}: {
findFn: findDisplayName,
dir: true,
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "getcontentlength"}: {
findFn: findContentLength,
dir: false,
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "getlastmodified"}: {
findFn: findLastModified,
// suggests that getlastmodified should only apply to GETable
// resources, and this package does not support GET on directories.
// Nonetheless, some WebDAV clients expect child directories to be
// sortable by getlastmodified date, so this value is true, not false.
// See
dir: true,
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "creationdate"}: {
findFn: nil,
dir: false,
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "getcontentlanguage"}: {
findFn: nil,
dir: false,
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "getcontenttype"}: {
findFn: findContentType,
dir: false,
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "getetag"}: {
findFn: findETag,
// findETag implements ETag as the concatenated hex values of a file's
// modification time and size. This is not a reliable synchronization
// mechanism for directories, so we do not advertise getetag for DAV
// collections.
dir: false,
// TODO: The lockdiscovery property requires LockSystem to list the
// active locks on a resource.
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "lockdiscovery"}: {},
{Space: "DAV:", Local: "supportedlock"}: {
findFn: findSupportedLock,
dir: true,
// TODO(nigeltao) merge props and allprop?
// Props returns the status of the properties named pnames for resource name.
// Each Propstat has a unique status and each property name will only be part
// of one Propstat element.
func props(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, fi FileInfo, pnames []xml.Name) ([]Propstat, error) {
isDir := fi.IsDir()
if !isDir {
fi = &FileDeadProps{fi.(*model.File)}
var deadProps map[xml.Name]Property
if dph, ok := fi.(DeadPropsHolder); ok {
var err error
deadProps, err = dph.DeadProps()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pstatOK := Propstat{Status: http.StatusOK}
pstatNotFound := Propstat{Status: http.StatusNotFound}
for _, pn := range pnames {
// If this file has dead properties, check if they contain pn.
if dp, ok := deadProps[pn]; ok {
pstatOK.Props = append(pstatOK.Props, dp)
// Otherwise, it must either be a live property or we don't know it.
if prop := liveProps[pn]; prop.findFn != nil && (prop.dir || !isDir) {
innerXML, err := prop.findFn(ctx, fs, ls, fi.GetName(), fi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pstatOK.Props = append(pstatOK.Props, Property{
XMLName: pn,
InnerXML: []byte(innerXML),
} else {
pstatNotFound.Props = append(pstatNotFound.Props, Property{
XMLName: pn,
return makePropstats(pstatOK, pstatNotFound), nil
// Propnames returns the property names defined for resource name.
func propnames(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, fi FileInfo) ([]xml.Name, error) {
isDir := fi.IsDir()
if !isDir {
fi = &FileDeadProps{fi.(*model.File)}
var deadProps map[xml.Name]Property
if dph, ok := fi.(DeadPropsHolder); ok {
var err error
deadProps, err = dph.DeadProps()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pnames := make([]xml.Name, 0, len(liveProps)+len(deadProps))
for pn, prop := range liveProps {
if prop.findFn != nil && (prop.dir || !isDir) {
pnames = append(pnames, pn)
for pn := range deadProps {
pnames = append(pnames, pn)
return pnames, nil
// Allprop returns the properties defined for resource name and the properties
// named in include.
// Note that RFC 4918 defines 'allprop' to return the DAV: properties defined
// within the RFC plus dead properties. Other live properties should only be
// returned if they are named in 'include'.
// See
func allprop(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, info FileInfo, include []xml.Name) ([]Propstat, error) {
pnames, err := propnames(ctx, fs, ls, info)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add names from include if they are not already covered in pnames.
nameset := make(map[xml.Name]bool)
for _, pn := range pnames {
nameset[pn] = true
for _, pn := range include {
if !nameset[pn] {
pnames = append(pnames, pn)
return props(ctx, fs, ls, info, pnames)
// Patch patches the properties of resource name. The return values are
// constrained in the same manner as DeadPropsHolder.Patch.
func patch(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, name string, patches []Proppatch) ([]Propstat, error) {
conflict := false
for _, patch := range patches {
for _, p := range patch.Props {
if _, ok := liveProps[p.XMLName]; ok {
conflict = true
break loop
if conflict {
pstatForbidden := Propstat{
Status: http.StatusForbidden,
XMLError: `<D:cannot-modify-protected-property xmlns:D="DAV:"/>`,
pstatFailedDep := Propstat{
Status: StatusFailedDependency,
for _, patch := range patches {
for _, p := range patch.Props {
if _, ok := liveProps[p.XMLName]; ok {
pstatForbidden.Props = append(pstatForbidden.Props, Property{XMLName: p.XMLName})
} else {
pstatFailedDep.Props = append(pstatFailedDep.Props, Property{XMLName: p.XMLName})
return makePropstats(pstatForbidden, pstatFailedDep), nil
// very unlikely to be false
exist, info := isPathExist(ctx, fs, name)
if exist {
var dph DeadPropsHolder
if info.IsDir() {
dph = &FolderDeadProps{info.(*model.Folder)}
} else {
dph = &FileDeadProps{info.(*model.File)}
ret, err := dph.Patch(patches)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// says that
// "The contents of the prop XML element must only list the names of
// properties to which the result in the status element applies."
for _, pstat := range ret {
for i, p := range pstat.Props {
pstat.Props[i] = Property{XMLName: p.XMLName}
return ret, nil
// The file doesn't implement the optional DeadPropsHolder interface, so
// all patches are forbidden.
pstat := Propstat{Status: http.StatusOK}
for _, patch := range patches {
for _, p := range patch.Props {
pstat.Props = append(pstat.Props, Property{XMLName: p.XMLName})
return []Propstat{pstat}, nil
func escapeXML(s string) string {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
// As an optimization, if s contains only ASCII letters, digits or a
// few special characters, the escaped value is s itself and we don't
// need to allocate a buffer and convert between string and []byte.
switch c := s[i]; {
case c == ' ' || c == '_' ||
('+' <= c && c <= '9') || // Digits as well as + , - . and /
('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
('a' <= c && c <= 'z'):
// Otherwise, go through the full escaping process.
var buf bytes.Buffer
xml.EscapeText(&buf, []byte(s))
return buf.String()
return s
func findResourceType(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, name string, fi FileInfo) (string, error) {
if fi.IsDir() {
return `<D:collection xmlns:D="DAV:"/>`, nil
return "", nil
func findDisplayName(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, name string, fi FileInfo) (string, error) {
if slashClean(name) == "/" {
// Hide the real name of a possibly prefixed root directory.
return "", nil
return escapeXML(fi.GetName()), nil
func findContentLength(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, name string, fi FileInfo) (string, error) {
return strconv.FormatUint(fi.GetSize(), 10), nil
func findLastModified(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, name string, fi FileInfo) (string, error) {
return fi.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat), nil
// ErrNotImplemented should be returned by optional interfaces if they
// want the original implementation to be used.
var ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented")
// ContentTyper is an optional interface for the os.FileInfo
// objects returned by the FileSystem.
// If this interface is defined then it will be used to read the
// content type from the object.
// If this interface is not defined the file will be opened and the
// content type will be guessed from the initial contents of the file.
type ContentTyper interface {
// ContentType returns the content type for the file.
// If this returns error ErrNotImplemented then the error will
// be ignored and the base implementation will be used
// instead.
ContentType(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
func findContentType(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, name string, fi FileInfo) (string, error) {
//if do, ok := fi.(ContentTyper); ok {
// ctype, err := do.ContentType(ctx)
// if err != ErrNotImplemented {
// return ctype, err
// }
//f, err := fs.OpenFile(ctx, name, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
//if err != nil {
// return "", err
//defer f.Close()
//// This implementation is based on serveContent's code in the standard net/http package.
//ctype := mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(name))
//if ctype != "" {
// return ctype, nil
//// Read a chunk to decide between utf-8 text and binary.
//var buf [512]byte
//n, err := io.ReadFull(f, buf[:])
//if err != nil && err != io.EOF && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
// return "", err
//ctype = http.DetectContentType(buf[:n])
//// Rewind file.
//_, err = f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
//return ctype, err
return mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(name)), nil
// ETager is an optional interface for the os.FileInfo objects
// returned by the FileSystem.
// If this interface is defined then it will be used to read the ETag
// for the object.
// If this interface is not defined an ETag will be computed using the
// ModTime() and the Size() methods of the os.FileInfo object.
type ETager interface {
// ETag returns an ETag for the file. This should be of the
// form "value" or W/"value"
// If this returns error ErrNotImplemented then the error will
// be ignored and the base implementation will be used
// instead.
ETag(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
func findETag(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, reqPath string, fi FileInfo) (string, error) {
return fmt.Sprintf(`"%x%x"`, fi.ModTime().UnixNano(), fi.GetSize()), nil
func findSupportedLock(ctx context.Context, fs *filesystem.FileSystem, ls LockSystem, name string, fi FileInfo) (string, error) {
return `` +
`<D:lockentry xmlns:D="DAV:">` +
`<D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>` +
`<D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>` +
`</D:lockentry>`, nil