AaronLiu 056de22edb
Feat: aria2 download and transfer in slave node (#1040)
* Feat: retrieve nodes from data table

* Feat: master node ping slave node in REST API

* Feat: master send scheduled ping request

* Feat: inactive nodes recover loop

* Modify: remove database operations from aria2 RPC caller implementation

* Feat: init aria2 client in master node

* Feat: Round Robin load balancer

* Feat: create and monitor aria2 task in master node

* Feat: salve receive and handle heartbeat

* Fix: Node ID will be 0 in download record generated in older version

* Feat: sign request headers with all `X-` prefix

* Feat: API call to slave node will carry meta data in headers

* Feat: call slave aria2 rpc method from master

* Feat: get slave aria2 task status
Feat: encode slave response data using gob

* Feat: aria2 callback to master node / cancel or select task to slave node

* Fix: use dummy aria2 client when caller initialize failed in master node

* Feat: slave aria2 status event callback / salve RPC auth

* Feat: prototype for slave driven filesystem

* Feat: retry for init aria2 client in master node

* Feat: init request client with global options

* Feat: slave receive async task from master

* Fix: competition write in request header

* Refactor: dependency initialize order

* Feat: generic message queue implementation

* Feat: message queue implementation

* Feat: master waiting slave transfer result

* Feat: slave transfer file in stateless policy

* Feat: slave transfer file in slave policy

* Feat: slave transfer file in local policy

* Feat: slave transfer file in OneDrive policy

* Fix: failed to initialize update checker http client

* Feat: list slave nodes for dashboard

* Feat: test aria2 rpc connection in slave

* Feat: add and save node

* Feat: add and delete node in node pool

* Fix: temp file cannot be removed when aria2 task fails

* Fix: delete node in admin panel

* Feat: edit node and get node info

* Modify: delete unused settings
2021-10-31 09:41:56 +08:00

91 lines
2.3 KiB

package model
import (
// Node 从机节点信息模型
type Node struct {
Status NodeStatus // 节点状态
Name string // 节点别名
Type ModelType // 节点状态
Server string // 服务器地址
SlaveKey string `gorm:"type:text"` // 主->从 通信密钥
MasterKey string `gorm:"type:text"` // 从->主 通信密钥
Aria2Enabled bool // 是否支持用作离线下载节点
Aria2Options string `gorm:"type:text"` // 离线下载配置
Rank int // 负载均衡权重
// 数据库忽略字段
Aria2OptionsSerialized Aria2Option `gorm:"-"`
// Aria2Option 非公有的Aria2配置属性
type Aria2Option struct {
// RPC 服务器地址
Server string `json:"server,omitempty"`
// RPC 密钥
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
// 临时下载目录
TempPath string `json:"temp_path,omitempty"`
// 附加下载配置
Options string `json:"options,omitempty"`
// 下载监控间隔
Interval int `json:"interval,omitempty"`
// RPC API 请求超时
Timeout int `json:"timeout,omitempty"`
type NodeStatus int
type ModelType int
const (
NodeActive NodeStatus = iota
const (
SlaveNodeType ModelType = iota
// GetNodeByID 用ID获取节点
func GetNodeByID(ID interface{}) (Node, error) {
var node Node
result := DB.First(&node, ID)
return node, result.Error
// GetNodesByStatus 根据给定状态获取节点
func GetNodesByStatus(status ...NodeStatus) ([]Node, error) {
var nodes []Node
result := DB.Where("status in (?)", status).Find(&nodes)
return nodes, result.Error
// AfterFind 找到节点后的钩子
func (node *Node) AfterFind() (err error) {
// 解析离线下载设置到 Aria2OptionsSerialized
if node.Aria2Options != "" {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(node.Aria2Options), &node.Aria2OptionsSerialized)
return err
// BeforeSave Save策略前的钩子
func (node *Node) BeforeSave() (err error) {
optionsValue, err := json.Marshal(&node.Aria2OptionsSerialized)
node.Aria2Options = string(optionsValue)
return err
// SetStatus 设置节点启用状态
func (node *Node) SetStatus(status NodeStatus) error {
node.Status = status
return DB.Model(node).Updates(map[string]interface{}{
"status": status,