<?php /* Initialize random shit */ include "lib/frontend.php"; $frontend = new frontend(); [$scraper, $filters] = $frontend->getscraperfilters("web"); $get = $frontend->parsegetfilters($_GET, $filters); $frontend->loadheader( $get, $filters, "web" ); $payload = [ "class" => "", "right-left" => "", "right-right" => "", "left" => "" ]; try{ $results = $scraper->web($get); }catch(Exception $error){ echo $frontend->drawerror( "Shit", 'This scraper returned an error:' . '<div class="code">' . htmlspecialchars($error->getMessage()) . '</div>' . 'Things you can try:' . '<ul>' . '<li>Use a different scraper</li>' . '<li>Remove keywords that could cause errors</li>' . '<li>Use another 4get instance</li>' . '</ul><br>' . 'If the error persists, please <a href="/about">contact the administrator</a>.' ); die(); } $answerlen = 0; /* Spelling checker */ if($results["spelling"]["type"] != "no_correction"){ switch($results["spelling"]["type"]){ case "including": $type = "Including results for"; break; case "not_many": $type = "Not many results contains"; break; } $payload["left"] .= '<div class="infobox">' . $type . ' <b>' . htmlspecialchars($results["spelling"]["using"]) . '</b>.<br>' . 'Did you mean <a href="?s=' . urlencode($results["spelling"]["correction"]) . '">' . $results["spelling"]["correction"] . '</a>?' . '</div>'; } /* Populate links */ if(count($results["web"]) === 0){ $payload["left"] .= '<div class="infobox">' . "<h1>Nobody here but us chickens!</h1>" . 'Have you tried:' . '<ul>' . '<li>Using a different scraper</li>' . '<li>Using fewer keywords</li>' . '<li>Defining broader filters (Is NSFW turned off?)</li>' . '</ul>' . '</div>'; } foreach($results["web"] as $site){ $n = null; if($site["date"] !== null){ $date = date("jS M y @ g:ia", $site["date"]); }else{ $date = null; } $payload["left"] .= $frontend->drawtextresult($site, $date, $n, $get["s"]); } $right = []; /* Generate images */ if(count($results["image"]) !== 0){ $answerlen++; $right["image"] = '<div class="answer-wrapper">' . '<input id="answer' . $answerlen . '" class="spoiler" type="checkbox">' . '<div class="answer">' . '<div class="answer-title">' . '<a class="answer-title" href="/images?s=' . urlencode($get["s"]) . '"><h2>Images</h2></a>' . '</div>' . '<div class="images">'; foreach($results["image"] as $image){ $c = count($image["source"]) - 1; if( preg_match( '/^data:/', $image["source"][$c]["url"] ) ){ $src = htmlspecialchars($image["source"][$c]["url"]); }else{ $src = "/proxy?i=" . urlencode($image["source"][$c]["url"]) . "&s=square"; } $right["image"] .= '<a class="image" href="' . htmlspecialchars($image["url"]) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow" title="' . htmlspecialchars($image["title"]) . '" data-json="' . htmlspecialchars(json_encode($image["source"])) . '" tabindex="-1">' . '<img src="' . $src . '" alt="thumb">' . '<div class="duration">' . $image["source"][0]["width"] . 'x' . $image["source"][0]["height"] . '</div>' . '</a>'; } $right["image"] .= '</div></div>' . '<label class="spoiler-button" for="answer' . $answerlen . '"></label></div>'; } /* Generate videos */ if(count($results["video"]) !== 0){ $answerlen++; $right["video"] = '<div class="answer-wrapper">' . '<input id="answer' . $answerlen . '" class="spoiler" type="checkbox">' . '<div class="answer">' . '<div class="answer-title">' . '<a class="answer-title" href="/videos?s=' . urlencode($get["s"]) . '"><h2>Videos</h2></a>' . '</div>'; foreach($results["video"] as $video){ if($video["views"] !== null){ $greentext = number_format($video["views"]) . " views"; }else{ $greentext = null; } if($video["date"] !== null){ if($greentext !== null){ $greentext .= " • "; } $greentext .= date("jS M y @ g:ia", $video["date"]); } if($video["duration"] !== null){ if($video["duration"] == "_LIVE"){ $duration = 'LIVE'; }else{ $duration = $frontend->s_to_timestamp($video["duration"]); } }else{ $duration = null; } $right["video"] .= $frontend->drawtextresult($video, $greentext, $duration, $get["s"], false); } $right["video"] .= '</div>' . '<label class="spoiler-button" for="answer' . $answerlen . '"></label></div>'; } /* Generate news */ if(count($results["news"]) !== 0){ $answerlen++; $right["news"] = '<div class="answer-wrapper">' . '<input id="answer' . $answerlen . '" class="spoiler" type="checkbox">' . '<div class="answer">' . '<div class="answer-title">' . '<a class="answer-title" href="/news?s=' . urlencode($get["s"]) . '"><h2>News</h2></a>' . '</div>'; foreach($results["news"] as $news){ if($news["date"] !== null){ $greentext = date("jS M y @ g:ia", $news["date"]); }else{ $greentext = null; } $right["news"] .= $frontend->drawtextresult($news, $greentext, null, $get["s"], false); } $right["news"] .= '</div>' . '<label class="spoiler-button" for="answer' . $answerlen . '"></label></div>'; } /* Generate answers */ if(count($results["answer"]) !== 0){ $right["answer"] = ""; foreach($results["answer"] as $answer){ $answerlen++; $right["answer"] .= '<div class="answer-wrapper">' . '<input id="answer' . $answerlen . '" class="spoiler" type="checkbox">' . '<div class="answer"><div class="wiki-head">'; if(!empty($answer["title"])){ $right["answer"] .= '<div class="answer-title">'; if(!empty($answer["url"])){ $right["answer"] .= '<a class="answer-title" href="' . htmlspecialchars($answer["url"]) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow">'; } $right["answer"] .= '<h1>' . htmlspecialchars($answer["title"]) . '</h1>'; if(!empty($answer["url"])){ $right["answer"] .= '</a>'; } $right["answer"] .= '</div>'; } if(!empty($answer["url"])){ $right["answer"] .= $frontend->drawlink($answer["url"]); } $right["answer"] .= '<div class="description">'; if(!empty($answer["thumb"])){ $right["answer"] .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($answer["thumb"]) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow" class="photo">' . '<img src="/proxy?i=' . urlencode($answer["thumb"]) . '&s=cover" alt="thumb" class="openimg">' . '</a>'; } foreach($answer["description"] as $description){ switch($description["type"]){ case "text": $right["answer"] .= $frontend->highlighttext($get["s"], $description["value"]); break; case "title": $right["answer"] .= '<h2>' . htmlspecialchars($description["value"]) . '</h2>'; break; case "italic": $right["answer"] .= '<i>' . $frontend->highlighttext($get["s"], $description["value"]) . '</i>'; break; case "quote": $right["answer"] .= '<div class="quote">' . $frontend->highlighttext($get["s"], $description["value"]) . '</div>'; break; case "code": $right["answer"] .= '<div class="code" tabindex="-1">' . $frontend->highlightcode($description["value"], true) . '</div>'; break; case "inline_code": $right["answer"] .= '<div class="code-inline">' . htmlspecialchars($description["value"]) . '</div>'; break; case "link": $right["answer"] .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($description["url"]) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow" class="underline" tabindex="-1">' . htmlspecialchars($description["value"]) . '</a>'; break; case "image": $right["answer"] .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($description["url"]) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow" tabindex="-1"><img src="/proxy?i=' . urlencode($description["url"]) . '&s=thumb" alt="image" class="fullimg openimg"></a>'; break; case "audio": $right["answer"] .= '<audio src="/audio?s=' . urlencode($description["url"]) . '" controls><a href="/audio.php?s=' . urlencode($description["url"]) . '">Listen to the pronunciation audio</a></audio>'; break; } } $right["answer"] .= '</div>'; if(count($answer["table"]) !== 0){ $right["answer"] .= '<table>'; foreach($answer["table"] as $info => $value){ $right["answer"] .= '<tr>' . '<td>' . $info . '</td>' . '<td>' . $value . '</td>' . '</tr>'; } $right["answer"] .= '</table>'; } if(count($answer["sublink"]) !== 0){ $right["answer"] .= '<div class="socials">'; $icons = glob("static/icon/*"); foreach($answer["sublink"] as $website => $url){ $flag = false; $icon = str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($website)); foreach($icons as $path){ if(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME) == $icon){ $flag = true; break; } } if($flag === false){ $icon = "website"; } $right["answer"] .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow" tabindex="-1">' . '<div class="center">' . '<img src="/static/icon/' . $icon . '.png" alt="icon">' . '<div class="title">' . $website . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</a>'; } $right["answer"] .= '</div>'; } $right["answer"] .= '</div></div>' . '<label class="spoiler-button" for="answer' . $answerlen . '"></label></div>'; } } /* Add right containers */ if(isset($right["answer"])){ if(count($right) >= 2){ $payload["right-right"] = $right["answer"]; unset($right["answer"]); } } $c = 0; foreach($right as $snippet){ if($c % 2 === 0){ $payload["right-left"] .= $snippet; }else{ $payload["right-right"] .= $snippet; } $c++; } if($c !== 0){ $payload["class"] = " has-answer"; } /* Generate related searches */ $c = count($results["related"]); if($c !== 0){ $payload["left"] .= '<h3>Related searches</h3><table class="related">'; $opentr = false; for($i=0; $i<$c; $i++){ if(($i % 2) === 0){ $opentr = true; $payload["left"] .= '<tr>'; }else{ $opentr = false; } $payload["left"] .= '<td>' . '<a href="/web?s=' . urlencode($results["related"][$i]) . "&" . $frontend->buildquery($get, true) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($results["related"][$i]) . '</a>'; $payload["left"] .= '</td>'; if($opentr === false){ $payload["left"] .= '</tr>'; } } if($opentr === true){ $payload["left"] .= '<td></td></tr>'; } $payload["left"] .= '</table>'; } /* Load next page */ if($results["npt"] !== null){ $payload["left"] .= '<a href="' . $frontend->htmlnextpage($get, $results["npt"], "web") . '" class="nextpage">Next page ></a>'; } echo $frontend->load("search.html", $payload);